Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019)
613 authors
- Hendri, Sherlyane
- Elementary School Teacher Ability in Using Application Technology for Mathematics Learning Assessment in the 2013 Curriculum
- Herdi, Herdi
- Model Guidance and Counseling by Using Role Playing Technique to Improve Students’ Leadership Character
- Hermawan, Yudan
- The Capacity Building of Human Resources Management on Bejiharjo Tourism Village in Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Hetty J. Tumurang, Hetty
- Application of Role-Playing Methods to Improve Learning Outcome of Learning Indonesian in Class V Students Primary School
- Hidayah, Nur
- Adoption of People’s Game as a Modification Technique in KIPAS Model Counseling
- Hidayati, Abna
- The Development of Personal Character Through STEM Integration in Learning of Elementary School
- Hikmah, Hikmah
- Assessment Models in Early Childhood Based on Android to Increase Competency of Pedagogic Teachers of Kindergarten
- Hikmah, Hikmah
- Strategy for Decreasing the Rate of Stunting Through Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Training for Tutors/Parents of Early Childhood Education
- Hulopi, Nelpiyanti
- Integrated Library Information System in Managing School Library in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- Hulukati, Wenny
- The Role of Guidance and Counseling in Millennial Generation Character Building
- Husain, Rusmin
- The Influence of Teams-Games-Tournament on Short Stories Learning Outcomes of Grade IV Students: A Study at Elementary School SDN 4 Kabila
- Husni Abdullah, Mohammad
- Use of the Mini Book to Improve Expositorial Writing Skills of V Class Student of SDN Wonokusumo 1 Surabaya, Indonesia
- Hutasuhut, Edidon
- The Effect of Organizational Culture in School Councellor’s Motivation In State Senior High School Of Medan
- I Dengah, Jenny
- Learning Model of Picture Symbols in Improving Language Skills in Early Children
- I Ketut Atmadja Johny Artha, I Ketut
- The Evaluation of Paket C Program in Improving the Learning Quality of Learning Citizens at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar Cerme Gresik
- I Ketut Dharsana, I Ketut
- Cognitive Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Intervene in Self Aggression
- Ibnu Syamsi, Ibnu
- Specific Learning Difficulties and Their Assessment Models: A Study from Inclusive Elementary Schools
- Ibrahim Bafadal, Ibrahim
- Standards of Competency of Head of School Beginners as Leaders in Learning Innovation
- Ika Febriana Wati, Ika
- The Implementation of Zapira Portable by Maximizing the Potential Source in Rural Area
- Ika Setyo Pratiwi, Chindy
- Role of Peers in Case of Self Suicide Peer Counseling: Youth Self Awareness to Suicide Cases
- Ilham Syarif, Muhammad
- Development of Statistics in Elementary School Based RME Approach with Problem Solving for Revolution Industry 4.0
- Imam Gunawan, Imam
- Develop Educational Leadership by Applying Values and Ethics to Strengthen Student Character
- Imam Shofwan, Imam
- Homeschooling: Nonformal Education Learning Strategy 4.0
- Indah Puspitaningyas, Indah
- The Strengthening of the Principal’s Competence in Order to Improve Teacher’s Learning in the Era Of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Indah Sukma Wati, Indah
- Women Convict Hopelessness: Challenges for Service Guidance and Counseling
- Indah Sukmawati, Indah
- The Role of Counselors in Helping to Improve the Self-Image of Female Prisoners: Challenges for Guidance and Counseling Services
- Indra Jaya, Indra
- Relationship between Sertification to Profesional Competency of Kindergarten Teacher in Nanggalo, Padang
- Indra Yeni, Indra
- Paradigm of Early Childhood Art’s Education
- Indreswari, Henny
- The Use of Visual Support of PECS and Schedule Based on the Characteristics of Student with Autism
- Indria Nora Harahap, Friska
- The Utilization of Tailoring Women's Clothing Technology as an Effort to Empower immoral Women
- Irdamurni, Irdamurni
- The Implementation of Training Model to Improve Professional Competence of Teachers in Inclusive Education
- Irdamurni, Irdamurni
- Analysis of the Needs of Parents Who Have Cerebral Palsy Children Reviewed from the Family Counseling
- Iriyanto, Tomas
- Indonesian Learning for Autistic Students in Public Elementary School Sumbersari 1 Malang, Indonesia
- Irvin Novita Arifin, Irvin
- The Effect of Prior Knowledge on Students’ Learning Outcomes on the Subject of Basic Science Concepts
- Irwan, Mahfuzi
- Community Participation within the Implementation of the Senior High School Equality Education Program in PKBM Cahaya
- Isa Ansori, Isa
- The Correlation of Discipline and Responsibility on the Learning Outcomes of Civic Education in Grade 4
- Islamiyah, Su’aibatul
- Correlation between Implementation of Character Education Strengthening and Teacher’s Teaching Behavior with Student’s Character Formation
- Ismaniar, Ismaniar
- Stimulation of GrosImproving Children’s Early Reading Skills Using Home Environmental Print Models Motor Development in Early Childhood
- Isnaini Damayanti, Maryam
- Implementation of Literacy Programs in Basic High School Class
- Isnanto, Isnanto
- Student’s Self-Confidence and Their Learning Achievement on Elementary Schools
- Iswari, Mega
- Character Education for the 21st Century in Developing the Careers of Children Special Needs in Vocational Inclusive School
- Iswari, Mega
- Analysis of the Needs of Parents Who Have Cerebral Palsy Children Reviewed from the Family Counseling
- Izzati, Izzati
- Stimulation of Gross Motor Development in Early Childhood
- J. Tumurang, Hetty
- Application of Role-Playing Methods to Improve Learning Outcome of Learning Indonesian in Class V Students Primary School
- Jajang Bayu Kelana, Jajang
- Improving the Capability of Prospective Primary School Teachers in Making Science-Based Science Teaching Materials Based on ICT Media Assisted Literacy
- Jamaris, Jamaris
- Stimulation of GrosImproving Children’s Early Reading Skills Using Home Environmental Print Models Motor Development in Early Childhood
- Jamaris, Jamaris
- Development of Internal Quality Assurance Equal Education
- Janu Setiyowati, Arbin
- Developing E-Comic to Internalize Manners for Junior High School Students
- Jaya, Indra
- Relationship between Sertification to Profesional Competency of Kindergarten Teacher in Nanggalo, Padang
- Jenny I Dengah, Jenny
- Learning Model of Picture Symbols in Improving Language Skills in Early Children
- Kadir Mauna, Abdul
- The Use of Basic Data of Education (DAPODIK) in the Implementation of School Administration: A Study in Elementary Schools in Bilato, Gorontalo, Indonesia
- Kamtini, Kamtini
- Picture Based Problem Learning in Improving Children’s Communication Skills
- Kamtini, Kamtini
- Picture Based Problem Learning in Improving Children’s Communication Skills
- Karneli, Yeni
- The Effectiveness of Information Service in Improving Students’ Self Control Against Sexual Harassment in Vocational School in Padang
- Karneli, Yeni
- Anaysis of Delinquency Behavior in Adolescents and the Prevention By Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Counseling
- Karneli, Yeni
- Differences in Aggressive Behavior of Male and Female Students
- Kartadinata, Sunaryo
- Early Detector Scale of Student Peace Level’s
- Kasiyati, Kasiyati
- The Implementation of Training Model to Improve Professional Competence of Teachers in Inclusive Education
- Kasiyati, Kasiyati
- Analysis of the Needs of Parents Who Have Cerebral Palsy Children Reviewed from the Family Counseling
- Katrina Siwi, Katrina
- Application of Instructional Model Problem Solving to Increase Social Studies Learning Outcomes Students Elementary School
- Ketut Suarni, Ni
- Development of Self-Exhibition Through Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Models with Self-Management Strategies
- Ketut Suarni, Ni
- Cognitive Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Intervene in Self Aggression
- Ketut Suarni, Ni
- Psychological Data Information Specialization Services in Increasing Student’s Self Understanding
- Khusnul Rofiah, Siti
- Teacher Function in Class: A Literature Review
- Kiswanto Kenedi, Ari
- Digital Class Model in Mathematics Learning in Elementary School Using Social Learning Network Schoology
- Kiswanto Kenedi, Ary
- Elementary School Teacher Ability in Using Application Technology for Mathematics Learning Assessment in the 2013 Curriculum
- Kiswanto Kenedi, Ary
- Analysis of Extracurricular Program Facilities in Junior High School
- Kiswanto Kenedi, Ary
- Learning Model and Higher-Order Thinking Skill in Advanced Mathematical Study
- Kiswanto Kenedi, Ary
- Educative Learning Media for Elementary School Students
- Kisworo, Bagus
- A Learning Model of Group Discussion Accompaniment of Presentation Task in the Classroom
- Komang Sujendra Diputra, Komang
- Investigating The Mathematical Literacy of Primary School Students in Curriculum 2013
- Kristiantari, MG Rini
- Learning Models Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review Assisted Reading Children's Literature Improves Reading Ability of Interpretative Understanding of Class IV Elementary School Students
- Kurnia Robby, Dimas
- Model Guidance and Counseling by Using Role Playing Technique to Improve Students’ Leadership Character
- Kurniawan, Fauzi
- The Utilization of Tailoring Women's Clothing Technology as an Effort to Empower immoral Women
- Kurniawan, Kusnarto
- Analysis of Students’ Academic Anxiety Through Personality Prediction in Counseling Practice
- Kusnarto Kurniawan, Kusnarto
- Analysis of Students’ Academic Anxiety Through Personality Prediction in Counseling Practice
- Kustiawati, R. Tati
- Contribution of Peer Social Support to the Hardiness of Students
- Kusumastuti, Grahita
- Perceptions of ‘Hearing’ People on Sign Language Learning
- Kusumastuti, Grahita
- Differentiated Learning for Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
- Lailiyah, Ni’matul
- The Use of Visual Support of PECS and Schedule Based on the Characteristics of Student with Autism
- Lamatenggo, Nina
- The Strategy of Teachers in Developing Curriculum for Learning Process in Facing Challenges in Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Lestari, Novi
- The Identification of Implementation of Central Learning Models
- Lulita Sari, Yuyik
- Internalization of Character Values in Learning at Institution of English Course
- M. C. Tamara, Yesiska M. C. Tamara
- Analysis of the Mastery of the Nusantara Songs in 4th Grade Elementary School Students
- M. Goni, Agnes
- The Effect Instructional Approach and Authentic Assessment Toward an Achievement in Mathematics
- M. S. Tuerah, Roos
- Constructivism Approach in Science Learning
- M. Solehuddin, M. Solehuddin
- Profile of Pro-social Behavior and The Implication of Guidance and Counseling
- M. Sugandhi, Nani
- Developing College Student's Readiness to Build Family Well-Being Inventory for Effective Premarital Counseling
- M. Wullur, Mozes
- Relationship of Leadership Style and Achievement Motivation to Productivity of Training and Education Participants in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
- MG Rini Kristiantari, MG Rini
- Learning Models Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review Assisted Reading Children's Literature Improves Reading Ability of Interpretative Understanding of Class IV Elementary School Students
- Maharani, Reizki
- Problems in Implementation of Guidance and Counseling in Millennial Generations
- Mahmud, Haris
- Increasing Student’s Ability to Make A Creation in Learning Process of SBK (Art, Culture, and Skill) Subject
- Mahyuddin, Nenny
- Development of Practical Life Exercise at Montessori Kindergarten Padang
- Maisyaroh, Maisyaroh
- Development of Planning and Organization Model of Community Participation in the Pesantren Based Junior High School
- Maiziani, Fitri
- The Effect of Using The Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model Using Video on Learning Results of Class VIII State 5 Padang Middle School
- Malik, Abdul
- Community Empowerment as an Effort to Preserve Batik with an Ecological Approach in Indonesia
- Mallevi Agustin Ningrum, Mallevi
- The Effect of Show and Tell Method on Children’s Confidence
- Mangantes, Meisie
- Meaning of Happiness of Parents Who Have Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Mansurdin, Mansurdin
- Analysis of the Mastery of the Nusantara Songs in 4th Grade Elementary School Students
- Mansurdin, Mansurdin
- Primary School Teachers Problems in Implementation of Curriculum 2013