Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Education and Technology 2018 (ISET 2018)
120 articles
Proceedings Article
Putative non-stereo specific dehalogenase from Antarctic of Psychotropic Bacillus sp IH01
Ismail Haruna, Hassana Abubakar, Roswanira Ab Wahab, Fahrul Huyop
The main aim of the study was to isolate and identify any organism that can degrade 2,2-dichloropropionic acids (2,2DCP) from Antarctica soil and water environment. ntarctica is well known of its extreme cold temperature. In this study we successfully isolated at least six colonies (AA1, AA2, AB1, AB2,...
Proceedings Article
Unravel Entrepreneurial Mindset in Indonesian Higher Education Institutions
Dorojatun Prihandono, Sri Utami
The word of Entrepreneurial in higher education institution relates to characteristics of social system involving elements in universities such as departments, research centres, faculties and any collaboration with other parties. Entrepreneurial is a concept in which it is highly related to institution-building...
Proceedings Article
Putative Dehalogenase uptake gene from Rhizobium sp. RC1
Adam Izzuddin Nasir, Aliyu Adamu, Yilmaz Kaya, Mohamed Faraj Edbeib, Fahrul Huyop
Halogenated compounds that are polluting the environment is becoming a huge concern that demands an efficient solution. The rising priority in the use of microorganisms that have the potential to be the most environmental-friendly way to degrade and dispose of halogenated compounds is crucial in solving...
Proceedings Article
The advantages of Information and Communications and Technology (ICT) in Science Education
Kulthida Nugultham
Nowadays, the digital technology is a wildly use in education. There are many educational proposes from ICT such as teaching, learning, assessment and evaluating. Science is one of the problematic knowledge about nature, phenomena, substance, theory, and law. Also, it concerns in science process skill...
Proceedings Article
Storytelling Learning with Character Content Using Stimulus-Response Method
A Anindyarini, F Rokhman, M Mulyani, Ms Andayani
This article aimed to describe (1) the problem the students encounter in storytelling learning, (2) the teachers’ way of motivating students in storytelling. This study was a descriptive study. Data of research was collected through interview and distributing questionnaire to teachers and students in...
Proceedings Article
The Study of Chemistry Learning on The Material of Buffer Solution Supported by Teaching Material of Multiple Representation-Chemoentrepreneurship Viewed From Student Entrepreneurship Interest
A Drastisianti, E Susilaningsih, Mr Supartono, N Wijayati
Teaching and learning activities in the classroom are part of the educational process aimed at bringing to a better state. These activities will be more meaningful if the needs and experiences of students are considered. Thus, this can improve the learning objectives which is connecting the subject matter...
Proceedings Article
Learning Similarity Lawang Sewu using Context for Third Grade Lower Secondary School Students
Achmad Fahrurozi, Suci Maesaroh, Imam Suwanto, Farida Nursyahidah
This study aims to produce a learning trajectory by using the context of Lawang Sewu in helping students to understand the concept of similarity. The approach used in this research was Realistic Mathematics Education, in Indonesian version is called by PMRI. Subject of the study is the third-grade students...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Students’ Critical Thinking Weakness in Senior High School on Physics Learning
Ahmad Fatih Musyarrof, Sunyoto Eko Nugroho, Mr Masturi
The 21st century skills to be the attention of education especially in Indonesia nowadays. One of the 21st century skills that student must possessed is the critical thinking ability. In physics learning, students should be able to think critically in analyzing a problem. Unfortunately, the attention...
Proceedings Article
Digital Technology on Millenial Generation : Potere Mobile Devices on Primary Students for Supporting Learning
Ahmad Saiful Mirza, Farid Ahmadi, Lysa Amorita Rachmawati, Nashihah Laila Masruroh
The revolution of digital technology has major change on lifestyle, economics, entertainment, and education. In education sector, digital technology assists learners to learn something new rapidly. This paper purposes to potere digital technology in the form of mobile learning for primary students. This...
Proceedings Article
Empowering School Committees Through Local Wisdom-Based Training Model At Jepara, Indonesia
Akhirin Akhirin, Mr Maman, Sumaryanto Sumaryanto, Mr Rustono
This research aims at obtaining proper model of empowerment training for Junior High School committees through local wisdom-based training model. The research applies Research and Development (R & D) approach by conducting preliminary study, determining factual models, drafting hypothetical model based...
Proceedings Article
Scientific Creativity Profile of Mathematics and Science Students
Andi Fadllan, Mr Hartono, Mr Susilo, Sigit Saptono
Creativity is an important ability for students to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The aims of this study were to find out the profile of students’ scientific creativity of Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Walisongo based on study programs and gender differences. It was a descriptive research...
Proceedings Article
Development of Diagnostic Tests to Identify Deaf Student’s Multiple Representations Ability of Physics in SMPLB
Aninditya Dwi Perwitasari, Ani Rusilowati, Mr Sujarwata, Susi Agung Purwaningtyas
The purpose of this research is to get the results of deaf students’ multi representation capabilities profile analysis in SMPLBN Ungaran. The use of multiple representations is expected to facilitate deaf students to remember and understand the subject matter. The way students understand the material...
Proceedings Article
The Profile of Concept Mastery and Scientific Literacy Skills for Senior High School Students in Force Theme
Anisa Aulia Marantika, Mr Sarwi, Ms Ellianawati, Tina Anggraini, Aninditya Dwi Perwitasari, Herwidhi Tri Prabowo
The purpose of this study is to identify concept mastery and scientific literacy skills for senior high school students. This study used quantitative-qualitative mix method. The subjects of this study are 12th grade student in Boyolali Regency. The instruments of this study are concept-based and scientific...
Proceedings Article
Revitalization of Left Hands by Using Drill Method to Improve The Accuracy of Frisbee Throw Through to The Target
Arwinsyah Arwinsyah, Tandiyo Rahayu, Mr Soegiyanto, Setya Rahayu
The purpose of this study is to analyze the training method of drill 1 and drill 2, endurance as well as male and female on the success of throwing fresbee to the target. The method of the study was quasi-experimental. The sample were 80 people consists of 40 elementary school students and 40 students...
Proceedings Article
Environment-Based Education Integrated Islamic Values to Cultivate Environmental Literacy and Attitudes
Atik Rahmawati, Kasmadi Imam Supardi, Sri Mulyani ES, Sri Haryani
The development of science and technology that not observe to environmental balance has caused environmental change and become a global problem almost in all countries in the world. This phenomenon motivated environmental education to educate not only in the cognitive and psychomotor domain but also...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Technical Performance through Style Improvement Exercise on Swimming Athlete
Bambang Sutiyono, Hari Setijono, Tandiyo Rahayu, Hari A. Rachman
The purpose of this study is to produce a design process improvement training stroke that can be used to enhance and improve the technical problems in swimmer Nasional Training Camp the 27th Southeast Asian Games 2013. Samples are 2 swimmer Nasional Training Camp the 27th Southeast Asian Games 2013....
Proceedings Article
The Educational Values of Oral Tradition as an Attempt to Preserve Customary Land in Ketapang District West Kalimantan
Basuki Wibowo, Dewi Liesnoor S, Mr Wasino, Hermanu Joebagio
The high risk of forest fires in Ketapang Regency West Kalimantan is caused by many factors. One of them is the opening of a new farm by using fires of the forest. In line with this, educating people to care and to preserve the forest is a part of inseparable efforts from forest fire preservation. The...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Power of Leg Muscles and Flexibility of Leg Muscles to Improve Lofted Kick Method
Budiharjo Budiharjo, Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Mr Sugiharto, Soegiyanto K. S
The purposes of this research are to know: (1) the significant different methods between lofted kick method (ball is passed from the front), and lofted kick method (ball is passed from the back); (2) the different effects between upper flexibility of leg muscles and flexibility of lower leg muscles;...
Proceedings Article
The Model Development of Frisbee Game as an Alternative Learning of Physical Education Sport and Health of Senior High School Students
Alief Dedi Kenedi, Mr Soegiyanto, Sulaiman Sulaiman
The problem of this research is Frisbee game model as a sport that introduced and practiced in learning activity needs to be developed as an alternative learning. The aim of this research is to know the model product of using frisbee game as an alternative learning and to produce the a cceptance of Frisbee...
Proceedings Article
Reducing Java's Transmigrant Conflict With Indigenous People through Multicultural Education
Deki Wibowo, Mr Suyahmo, Dew Liesnoor Setyowati, Hamdan Tri Atmaja
Melawi Regency is colored by various tribes, characterized by various cultures, languages, and religions embraced, and diverse cultural value system contained in the community. Dayak tribe is one of indigenous tribes located in Melawi, besides there are also the descendants of Malayu migrants such as...
Proceedings Article
The Traditional Games As A Means of Learning Resources Two Dimensional Figures In Primary School
Desi Setiyadi, Zaenuri Zaenuri, Mr Mulyono, Nur Karomah Dwidayati
The purpose of this research was to explore the traditional games as a means of learning resource two dimensional figures materials in primary school. The research was conducted in the area of Banyumas by observing a wide variety of traditional games that have relevance to mathematical concepts. The...
Proceedings Article
Characteristic Analysis of Essay Test Instruments for Measuring Higher-Order Thinking Skills
E Susilaningsih, D L Setyowati, A M Diputera
This study aims to test the reliability and items characteristics of the essay test instrument to measure the higher-order thinking skills of social science lessons of junior high school grade 8. This research is useful to know the characteristics of the instrument items used directly by teachers for...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Collaboration Needs between Vocational Schools and Industry in Internship Based on the Alignment of Graduates' Competence
Eko Supraptono, Mr Samsudi, I Made Sudana, M Burhan RW
The increasing number of job seekers of vocational school graduates in the last three years is caused by the mismatch between graduates' competencies and the needs of the industry. This study analyzed the collaboration needs of vocational schools and industries in the implementation of internship program...
Proceedings Article
Economic and Political Diplomacy in Disruption Era Through Indonesian for Speakers of Other Language (BIPA) Teacher Assignment Overseas
Eko Widianto, Sofi Aulia Rahmania
This study represented about the benefit of learning of Indonesian for Speakers of Other Language (BIPA) in disruption era, particularly for Indonesian economic and politics. However, one of the purposes of BIPA Learning was diplomacy such as cultural, tourism, or political diplomacy. Thus, Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
Cooperatif Learning Model to Reduce Mathematics Anxiety in High School Physics Learning
Ellianawati Ellianawati, Mr Supriyadi, Ms Istikomah
Physics is one field of study that requires adequate mathematical skills in analyzing and solving problems in physics. However, based on research reports, there are still many high school students who experience anviety in solving mathematical problems which are called mathematical anxiety. This research...
Proceedings Article
Social Studies Learning Based on Ethnopedagogic through Social Relations of Dayak and Chinese Ethnics in Making Integration: A Study in Pontianak West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Emi Tipuk Lestari, Tri Marheni Pudji Astuti, Cahyo Budi Utomo, Agustinus Sugeng Priyanto
The learning of ethnopedagogic based social studies done by integrating the values contained in social relations between ethnic Dayak and Chinese serve as a source of learning social studies. The purpose of this research is to describe the learning strategy based on ethnopedagogic social studies through...
Proceedings Article
Structure and Contextual Meaning Analysis of Anecdote Text with Character and Local Wisdom as an Alternative to Selection of Teaching Materials for Indonesian in Senior High School
Endah Dyah Wardani, Mr Rustono, Agus Nuryatin
This study aims to describe (1) the structure and contextual meaning of anecdot texts containing local characters and wisdom; (2) anecdot as a medium of conveyance of character-filled thoughts and local wisdom; and (3) anecdotes text characters with local characters and wisdom into bahasa Indonesia materials...
Proceedings Article
Differences between Flexible and Conventional Remedial Learning Models towards Food and Beverage Analysis Course Learning Outcome
Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani, Rasdi Ekosiswoyo, Mr Supartono, Mr Kardoyo
Remedial learning is a learning system in which the lessons are divided into small portions to be put together in a sequence to reach better outcome. The aims of this research were: (1) to know the influence of using flexible and conventional remedial study towards students’ learning outcome, (2) to...
Proceedings Article
Erik Aditia Ismaya, Mr Wasino, Tri Marhaeni P. Astuti, Etty Soesilowati
The purpose of this research is to find and analyze the meaning variation of Kudus society to kretek culture in the framework of healthy and sick concept. Research data were analyzed using social construction theory from Berger and Luckmann. This research uses qualitative approach with case study method...
Proceedings Article
Local Literature in Coastal Pesantren as an Alternative on Literary Reading Subject for Students of PBSI Unissula
Evi Chamalah, Agus Nuryatin, Suminto A. Sayuti, Ida Zulaeha
Pesantren is a very influential islamization network in Java Island. Pesantren has become a good place to grow for literature and traditions which have unique characteristics. Pesantren literature as one of uniqueness of Javanese coastal literature has never been abandoned as one of coastal pesantren...
Proceedings Article
Development of Physics Learning Model Based of Islamic Boarding School’s Learning Model to Improve Students' Problem Solving Skill
F Mudhofir, S Suharto, Mr Sulhadi
Islamic boarding school (pondok pesantren) is an educational institution that has special characteristics. Developing a model based on boarding school of Tahfidz Yanbu'ul Qur'an Kawan Kudus is applied in physics learning. Learning model includes tahfidz learning, foreign language habitation, and classical...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Simple Harmonic Vibration Student Learning Worksheet (LKPD) based on Curious Note Program (CNP) Learning Model in Improving Students’ Creative Thinking Ability
F P Farumananda, Mr Wiyanto, N M D Putra
This research aims to analyze the feasibility, praticality, and effectiveness of Simple Harmonic Vibration student learning worksheet (LKPD) based on Curious Note Program (CNP) learning model which can improve the students’ creative thinking ability. The research was categorized as Reasearch and Development...
Proceedings Article
Communication Therapy Model for People with Asperger Syndrome
F P Kusuma, Mr Subyantoro, A Su’udi, H B Mardikantoro
Cultural transformation in the industry 4.0 era has become an inevitable phenomenon. One of its impacts can be found in the form of human interaction revolution. Individuals who are unable to manage this wind of change shall be left behind in the current competition. People with Asperger Syndrome (PAS)...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Benchmarking in the Preparation of School Work Plan in Vocational High School
F Ponco Sudaryanto, Mr Haryono, Maman Rachman, Titi Prihatin
Benchmarking implementation of school work plan is a form of andragogy learning, problem solving, continuous quality improvement, participated of school community in the school self-development, and task of quality assurance in the school. The aim of using performance benchmarking is that school needs...
Proceedings Article
The Characteristic of Rhetoric Discourse in Pilkada Political Advertisement
Fahrudin Eko Hardiyanto, Fathur Rokhman, Ida Zulaeha, Haribakti Mardikantoro
Political advertisements have been inseparable from The Regional Head Election 2015 in Central Java. There were many political advertisements presented by the candidates of regional head in diverse, likewise the varied in chracteristics. The objectives of this research is to analyze the characteristic...
Proceedings Article
Blended Learning Analysis in Nature Basic Concept in Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program
Fine Reffiane, Mr Sudarmin, Mr Wiyanto, AP Budi Prasetyo
Blended learning is an appropriate lesson in today’s era of rupture and globalization. It is a kind of learning that combines face-to-face learning in the classroom and online learning through students’ smartphone / computers. The problem in this research was to know how far students’ understanding about...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Physical Ability, Technique and Mental Condition of Indonesian National Karateka
Fransiskus Nurseto Subekti, Mr Soegiyanto, Sulaiman Sulaiman, Hari Setijono
Training practices with complex skills in body movements cannot rely only on the skills by themselves but also need relevant and perfect preparation, since good movements of the body are always supported by physical and mental conditions of the performers. This research was intended to analyze the physical...
Proceedings Article
Stability Analysis of Predator-Prey Model Using Holling Type II with Time Delay in Stabilization Pond
Gesti Essa Waldhani, Ms Sunarsih, Titi Udjani
In this paper, we discuss the predator-prey model using Holling type II functional response with the time delay in facultative stabilization pond. In this research, we discuss the predator-prey model using Holling type II functional response with the time delay, determining the equilibrium point, the...
Proceedings Article
Leadership of Society-Based Education in Improving the Acceleration of Educational Organization in the Disruption Era
Gres Jekstman Kaipatty, Ari Tri Soegito, Mr Wahyono, Mr Kardoyo
In improving the acceleration of educational organization in the disruption era, leadership played very important role, especially by observing education as one of the fundamental needs of human’s life. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how leadership works in creating changes through educational...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Free Weight Exercise And Super Set Machine System on Strength and Muscle Hypertrophy
Mr Hadi, Mr Soegiyanto, Setyo Rahayu, Hari Setiono
Muscle hyperthropy is an indicator of muscle strength . Super set system as media in maximizing on weight training. Free burden is generally preferred over machines by athletes for strength training because they involve the incorporation of muscle mass and require greater stabilization. The use of free...
Proceedings Article
Model Development of Management Information System of Internship
Wahyu Hardyanto, Aji Purwinarko, I Made Sudana, Eko Supraptono
The management of internship is generally done by working groups where management still uses management manually, data collection of students and companies or institutions of the industrial world has not been arranged systematically. : (1) bringing students to be placed in the industrialized world, (2)...
Proceedings Article
Corruption in Media Construction: Superstructure Analysis of Corruption News Texts in Indonesian National Private Television
Hari Bakti Mardikantoro, Mr Haryadi
One of the topics that always appear and attract attention is the news of corruption on television. This topic alwaysappears to be headline news. This happens because corruption almost always occurs in Indonesia even it has been entrenched. Corruption has become the lifestyle of our officials. This research...
Proceedings Article
The Need of Analysis on the Assessment Model of Speaking Ability Based on Information Technology
Hari Wahyono, Mr Rustono, Mr Sukarno, Mimi Mulyani
The method used in this research was Research and Development (R&D) method. R&D research is conducted through three main stages: (1) preliminary study, (2) model development, and (3) model effectiveness test. Preliminary study of assessment model development of students’ speaking ability based on information...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Students’ Interest of Literacy At College As A Form Of Cultural Conservation
Haryadi Haryadi, Riza Arifudin, Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo, Uki Hares Yulianti
Many problems regarding literacy need to be explored and examined in depth. An alarming fact is recognized from the ranking of international literacy, which reveals the fact that the ability to read and write Indonesian people is very left behind. Indonesia is ranked 60th out of a total of 61 countries....
Proceedings Article
Phosphorus Dosage and Cow Urine to Chlorophyll and proline Content on Binucleate Rhizoctonia by induced resistance of vanilla
Ms Haryuni, Endang Suprapti, Tyas Soemarah Kurnia Dewi, Teguh Supriyadi, Azis Andyan Nugroho, Achmadi Priyatmojo, Misri Gozan
Indonesian Vanilla (Vanilla Planifolia) has been export in many countries. The decrease production is caused by decreased plant resistance and increased environmental temperature. This research is to know the effect of phosphorus dosage and cow urin on chlorophyll content and proline of induced resistance...
Proceedings Article
The Performance of Teachers in the Digital Era in Improving Learning Quality
Hendrik A.E. Lao, Rasdi Ekosiswoyo, Joko Sutarto, Suwito Ek Pramono
The development of the digital world today has become a lifestyle that cannot be separated from technology. Hence, teachers are required to follow the development of existing technology in order to make learning process go well. The purpose of this research is to determine the performance of teachers...
Proceedings Article
Improving The Quality of Science Learning Through Mind Mapping Model with Flashcard
Herwinta Inggil Rejeki, Rosti Hidayah, Lena Cendrawati, Ms Juwarti
The results indicate that teachers have not developed creative thinking skills of students in science learning so that the average daily students’ test scores could not achieve the specified passing standard. To overcome the problems appli cation of mind-mapping model with flashcard was applied. The...
Proceedings Article
Alternative Technique for Assessing Mathematical Creative Thinking in Geometry based on Information Processing Taxonomy Model
Hevy Risqi Maharani, YL Sukestiyarno, St. Budi Waluya, Mr Mulyono
The main characteristics of information processing taxonomy model consist of retrieving information from external memory and primary and secondary productions of Type A and Type B information. This characteristic becomes the components of different levels of thinking which could be used to confirm and...
Proceedings Article
Development of Comic Based on Local Wisdom as Learning Media for Primary School
Hidar Amaruddin, Mr Haryadi, Eka Sari Setianingsih
The background of this study is the need for learning media in Indonesian language subject text conversation on the kids’ grade primary school. The problem is how the development of media KORIKA as a media learning of the Indonesian language students grade primary school? The aim of this study is to...
Proceedings Article
Impact of smartphones on the achievement of sepak takraw learners
I Ketut Semarayasa, Soegiyanto KS, Setya Rahayu, Taufiq Hidayah
This paper aims at explaining impact of smartphones on the achievement of sepak takraw learners. The study used an ethnographic research design. The participants of the study were four learners of sepak takraw (ages 12 to 15). The data were collected by administering an in-depth interview and a non-participant...
Proceedings Article
The Utilization of Whatsapp Application on Scientific-Based Learning Management in Higher Education Institutions
I Putu Widyanto, Achmad Slamet, Mr Haryono, Titi Prihatin
The utilization of whatsapp application in scientific learning is able to create a conducive academic atmosphere because learners can learn everywhere and anytime. The purpose of this research is to describe the use of whatsapp application in scientific learning management, learning planning stage, learning...
Proceedings Article
Learning Model for Exposition Text Writing on Learners in Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning styles
Ida Zulaeha, Ms Sofiah, Rahayu Pristiwati, Tommi Yuniawan
Paradigma pembelajaran bahasa berbasis teks, krisis lingkungan, kurangnya daya dukung, merosotnya kepercayaan dan jatidiri sebuah bangsa, dan hasil belajar yang belum optimal melatarbelakangi penelitian ini. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of learning writing skills of exposition...
Proceedings Article
Implementation and Educational Innovation of Structural Presumption Theory of Ika Valensia on Police Investigator’s Speech Act
Ika Arifianti, Fatur Rokhman, Mr Subyantoro, Ida Zulaeha
The novelty of this research is on the data collection of interrogations by investigators studied by reference to Levinson's (1985) theory of presumption. The results of this research became a new contribution in pragmatic and police studies. In presumption theory, this study focuses only on structural...
Proceedings Article
Human Problems in Remy Sylado Mbeling Poetry: the Analysis of Norm Srata by Ingarden
Irfai Fathurohman, Teguh Supriyanto, Agus Nuryatin, Mr Subyantoro
Human problems from various aspects of life such as freedom in behaving, choosing, and voicing aspirations tend to experience limitations that are not because of the rules that curb themselves both in writing and oral. The purpose of this study first, describe the structure of Remy Sylado's mbeling poem....
Proceedings Article
The Early Study of Misconsepsi Materials and Transfer of Class Viid SMP Negeri 1 Wonosalam Demak
Isna Lukluil Millah, Suharto Linuwih, Siti Wahyuni, Mr Ahmadun
The purpose of this study was to identify the initial misconceptions of heat and its displacement in grade VIID students of SMP Negeri 1 Wonosalam Demak. The method used in this study by using the instrument of pretest. Research objectives: 1). To know the early study of misconception of matter of heat...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Learning Model Including Conservation Value in College As A Strength Of Students’ Character
Isnarto Isnarto, Nur Rahayu Utami, Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo
Learning in college requires continuous innovation and development. One of the development which is needed is the development of learning model. One of the points inside is the implementation of conservation value which is used as a means of strengthening the character of students in universities. This...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Integrated Science Learning Instrument Based on Project-Based Learning to Measure Critical Thinking Skills
Joko Budi Poernomo, Mr Wiyanto, Ani Rusilowati, Sigit Saptono
Education has an important role in improving human resources. The indicator of the success of the learning process can be measured by the quality of the evaluation tool. This study aims to develop a measuring instrument for evaluating integrated science learning based on Project-Based Learning that is...
Proceedings Article
A Profile of Master-Degree Program Graduates of Economic Education, UNNES: A Tracer Study
Kardoyo Kardoyo, Ahmad Nurkhin, Inaya Sari Melati
Master-Degree Program in Economic Education UNNES is entering its eighth year in 2018. The study program's performance analysis has been conducted in 2017. Nevertheless, the field of alumni still needs further evaluation. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the profile of graduates...
Proceedings Article
The Development Model Of School Culture On The Strengthening Of Students' Character In Sma Islam Sultan Agung Semarang
Khoirul Anwar, Mr Wasino, Samsudi Samsudi, Titi Prihatin, Argo Victoria
The complexity issues of the national crisis character has become a concern of all components. The crisis character or morality is marked by increasing crime and violence in education. That is caused by the process of the character transfer is still not working effectively in the school. Therefore it...
Proceedings Article
Biomechanics Analysis of Passing Accuracy by Using Foot and Kick Distance at the Student Football Player
Mr Komarudin, Mr Sugiharto, Hari Setijono, Setya Rahayu
Football is one kind of invasion game. Recently, football become more popular around the world. The purpose of this study was 1) to obtain biomechanics analysis, understanding the factors that affect the accuracy of the target when student football player passing the ball based on using foot and distance,...
Proceedings Article
The Dimensions of Soft Skills and CBT (Competency Based Training) on the Entrepreneurship Education in Agribusiness Vocational High School
Lili Marliyah, Mr Sugiyo, Masrukhi Masrukhi, Rusdarti Rusdarti
The problems of low level care and consistency on entrepreneurship education cause distortion in building students’ entrepreneurship spirit. Identification of soft skills and CBT dimension is needed as the basic analysis in improving the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
The Competence of Teaching Training Program Students in Devising Integrated Lesson Plan and Islamic Value in Biology Lesson
Listyono Listyono, Kasmadi Imam Supardi, Saeful Ridlo, Wiyanto Wiyanto
One of the purposes of learning with scientific approach on the curriculum of 2013 is to develop the character of the students. Learning science may mean building morality and characters of the students in order to have more knowledge about themselves and the God they believe in. The glorious Qur'an...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Cyber Counseling Service to Enhance Student Performance in Statistics
Lucia Hernawati, DYP Sugiarto, Edy Purwanto, Awalya Awalya
Statistics is one of the subjects which is considered difficult by students. The lecturers should not only explain and give exercises to students but also need to listen to what the students feel and think as well as trying to find the solutions they have in statistics class. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
Application of Android-Based Stress Meter as Stress Academic Indicator on College Student with Low Achievement Motivation
M Mulawarman, L Ariffudin, A. I. N. Rahmawati, M.E. Wibowo, E. Purwanto, A. Munandar
Academic stress on college students often triggers a low level of achievement motivation for students. Today in the digital age, psychological measurement instruments are needed that can be quickly, effectively and efficiently used by college counselors. Based on this, it is necessary to apply an Android-based...
Proceedings Article
Blended Learning in Short Story Appreciation in High Schools of Surakarta-Indonesia
Main Sufanti, Agus Nuryatin, Fathur Rokhman, Herman J. Waluyo
Blended learning is a compounding between conventional and online learning system. In this industrial revolution 4.0 era, the learning system is an inevitability. This present study aims to describe the utilization of online media in selecting short stories, the inclusion of online learning elements...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ Perceptions towards Web-Based School Information System (SIS) in Developing Parents-Teacher Relationship
Ms Malasari, Sri Lestari, Lina Kumalasari, Farid Ahmadi
The study examined teachers’ response towards web-based School Information System (SIS) in enhancing parents-teacher relationship. The development and implementation of technology in a state of education field was examined as were the benefits realized by implementing web-based SIS. As school increasingly...
Proceedings Article
The Educational Patterns for Intermarriage Children Between Dayak Ethnic and Javanese Ethnic
Ms Mardiana, Tri Marheni Pudji Astuti, Suyahmo Suyahmo, Triwaty Arsal
The background to this research is the occurrence of mixed marriages between Dayak ethnic and Javanese ethnic. This results in problems starting from differences in religion, culture, language, which affect the pattern of education given to children born. This aim of this research to analyze the educational...
Proceedings Article
The Strengthening Of Humanity Value in The Generation of Digital Natives in the Era Of Digital Technology Through Nawung Sekar Dance
Maria Denok, M. Jazuli, Tjetjep Rohindi, Suminto Suminto
Presence of the generation of Digital Natives in Indonesia with all its existence is a manifestation of the existence of Indonesia as part of a world that is also experiencing growth technology. This situation has resulted in a cultural gap that arose as a result, shifting and changing the value of life....
Proceedings Article
The Increase in Child-Friendly Learning Management towards the Formation of Students' Character in Inclusive Elementary School
Moh Toharudin, Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Rasdi Ekosiswoyo, Joko Sutarto
The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze a child-friendly learning planning, the implementation of a child-friendly learning, and child-friendly learning evaluation. Meanwhile, the research method used was qualitative interpretive. This method was used to analyse and interpret the management...
Proceedings Article
Folklore Local Wisdom Values of Rembang Society
Mohammad Kanzunnudin, Fathur Rokhman, Suminto A. Sayuti, Hari Bakti Mardikantoro
This study aimed to dig out the folklore local wisdom values of Rembang Society through folklore i.e. Pantangan Menanam Kedelai, Talas, dan Ketan Hitam, Putri Cempa, and Asal-usul Desa Pamotan. There were local wisdom in these folktale like a leadership, devotion, tradition, culture, and social values....
Proceedings Article
Students’ Critical Thinking Performance through Problem-Based Learning by Using Metacognitive Strategy
N Hidayah, N M D Putra, Sugianto Sugianto
The purpose of this research is to examine the performance of Problem Based Learning (PBL) by metacognitive strategy and critical thinking profile achieved by the students. The research used mix method with type explanotary sequential, while the research planning with the type of pre-test post-test control...
Proceedings Article
The Relevance of Physics Learning on the Vocational High School Students of Automotive Study Program
N N Laili, N M D Putra, B Astuti
Physics has become the foundation of vocational competence of vocational high school or Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) in technology and engineering expertise. This research aimed to get information about the relevance of physics with the automotive learning in SMK of light vehicle techniques or Teknik...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Video Trackers in Understanding Viscosity Concepts
Nenik Yuniarti, Linuwih Linuwih, S Sulhadi
The paradigm of constructivism has characteristics such as learning with experimental activity, questions, investigations, hypotheses, and models produced by the students themselves through the experience they gain. Selection of appropriate teaching methods by teachers is expected to create pleasant...
Proceedings Article
Learning Pattern of Speaking Subject in Higher Education: A Constructiveness Review as Educational Innovation
Ms Ngatmini, Mr Rustono, Mr Subyantoro, Mimi Mulyani
A number of research finding results indicated that students' speaking ability is still below average. It is highly estimated, that the trigger was students’ lack confidence, lack of understanding toward material, and lecturers less communicative. This study captured up learning patterns conducted in...
Proceedings Article
Learning Biotechnology Constructively and Meaningfully to Improve Personal Religious Beliefs (PRB)
Nur Khasanah, Sajidan Sajidan, Mr Sutarno, Baskoro Adi Prayitno
The Background of this research is the study of the integration of science and religion in science learning in Islamic Higher Education. The study discusses how to teach biotechnology with Discovery Based Unity of Sciences (DBUS) model to improve students' personal religious beliefs. The purpose of the...
Proceedings Article
The Entrepreneurship Teaching of Sunan Kudus
Pujiyanto Pujiyanto, Marhaeni Pudji Astuti, Mr Wasino, Cahyo Budi U
Wong Kudus is famous for its tenacity in trading. Their trading area expanded from all over Java in the era of Sunan Kudus. Now, Wong Kudus is trading all over the world. A remarkable achievement because there was born successful entrepreneurs in a small town like Kudus. This is certainly not a coincidence,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Student Difficulties and Learning Outcomes with Guided Inquiry Learning Model
Ratna Kumala Dewi, Sri Wardani
This study aims to analyzed the guided inquiry learning model of students' chemistry learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 8 Semarang. This research method used descriptive analysis. Data analysis techniques in this study were conducted with a literature review. Data collection methods were carried out by...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Practical Worksheet based on Multiple Representations with Basic Science Process Skills Indicators
Resi Pratiwi, Endang Susilaningsih, Sri Susilogati Sumarti, Woro Sumarni
Practical worksheets can be used as a supporting tool in practicum activities. This worksheet is expected to help students transfer abstract knowledge to be more concrete. Practical worksheets based on multiple representations equipped with basic science process skills indicators applied to solubility...
Proceedings Article
Learning Outcomes Improvement of Javanese Language Material Wayang Figures through STAD Learning Model with Interactive Learning Media Based on Macromedia Director
Resy Susanti, Kun Winarti, Anggi Hary Prasadi, Alvina Nihayatul Husna
This study aims to describe the improvement of learning outcome of Javanese language material, wayang figures, through STAD learning model with interactive learning media based on Macromedia Director in grade 4 students of SDN Mranggen 1 in the 2nd semester of 2014/2015 academic year. The instruments...
Proceedings Article
Dominant Factors of Physical Ability Determining the Achievement of Artistic Gymnastic Techniques
Rifiy Qomarrullah, Agus Kristiyanto, Mr Sugiharto, M. Furqon Hidayatullah
The vault tool in artistic gymnastics is a sport with high-performance parameters, and it belongs to anaerobic. The maximum technique achievement in the vault is strongly supported by elements of good physical performance. The study aims to analyze the relationship of physical ability factor of running...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Utterance Politeness by Nursemaid in Creating Character of Homeless Children
Ms Ristiyani, Mila Roysa, Muhammad Noor Ahsin
This study deal with the utterance politeness principles obedience used by nursemaid in creating and improving the character of homeless children in house shelter. There were two types of data collected. First, the data were selected by the video about the parenting interaction among nursemaid with homeless...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Chemistry Learning Programs at Vocational High School Semarang on Vehicle Engineering Field
Roudloh Muna Lia, Ms Isnaeni
Low interest in Vocational High School students to study chemistry need to be evaluated. This study aims to evaluate the quality of the learning process chemistry by analysing learning process and teachers’ ability in teaching; identifying the interests of learners, and analysing the quality of the learning...
Proceedings Article
Model of Motor Skills to Improve Life Skill of Elementary School Children in Palembang, Indonesia
Rudy Noor Muktamar, Tandiyo Rahayu, HariAmirullah Rachman, Setya Rahayu
Development of human resources from an early age becomes an important requirement. The emergence of various problems in society shows that knowledge and life skills become a major part of society. The purpose of this research is to get information about the influence of psychomotor skills model on the...
Proceedings Article
Science Analysis of “Nginang “ Culture In Context of Science Technology Engineering And Mathematics (Stem) Integration of Ethnoscience
S Sudarmin, Miranita Khusniati, Nur F, Seyla A, Khoirur R
The ancestors in Indonesia often do nginang activities as a culture of hereditary. Nginang culture is the name of the tradition of eating betel and usually, before eaten betelau first mixed with tobacco, lime, gambier, and betel nut. In this research, a qualitative descriptive analysis of nginang culture...
Proceedings Article
Sport Development Index as a Parameter of Sport Achievement Developmental Program
Said Junaidi, Muhammad Nurul Akbar Adityatama, Mr Sugiarto, Soegiyanto K.S., Hari Setijono, Tandiyo Rahayu
The sport development within sport development index refers to four main dimensions: community participation, public space of sport, physical fitness, and the availability of human resources that are interconnected. This study aims at analysing the dimensions of sports development index in Salatiga,...
Proceedings Article
The Shifting Cultivation of Bauma Tahutn Tradition in the Dayak Kanayatn People in West Kalimantan
Saiful Bahri, Nana Supriatna, Helius Sjamsuddin, Erlina Wiyanarti
The purpose of this study is to know the shifting cultivation of local wisdom Bauma Tahutn tradition in the Dayak Kanayatn People in West Kalimantan. The Bauma Tahutn Tradition in the Dayak community can adapt to the natural environment through local genius that they have and practiced for generations....
Proceedings Article
Game Model To Increase Fundamental Movement Skills in Children With Mild Intellectual Disability
Selvi Atesya Kesumawati, Tandiyo Rahayu, Hari Amirullah R, Setya Rahayu
Children with intellectual disability (ID) have problems in sesormotorik, learning and behavior that resulted in disruption of physical development of children. Most children with ID experience obstacles in responding to stimuli given the environment to perform and imitate movement. Well-designed learning...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Physical Potential Instrument of Taekwondo Ages 14-17
Singgih Hendarto, Tandiyo Rahayu, Soegiyanto Soegiyanto, Mr Safi’i
The purpose of this study was to develop a physical test model of taekwondo potential athlete age 14-17 years old. This type of research is R and D research (Research and Development). The research was conducted in several places, a sample of 300 athletes consisting of 150 male athletes and 150 athletes...
Proceedings Article
The Violations of Cooperative Principle as The Creativity Of Humour In Banjar Madihin Art
Siti Faridah, Mr Rustono, Agus Nuryatin, Hari Bakti Mardikantoro
Madihin art is one of the oral literatures in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. It is performed alongside humour that can be used as a way of communication. The purpose of this study was to find out the violations of the cooperative principle in Banjar madihin art by identifying the violations of conversational...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Good School Governance through "PADI ASI" Movement towards Effective Schooling
Siti Ismuzaroh, Fathur Rokhman, Etty Soesilowati, Agus Wahyudin
Previous study on school performance results remaining less satisfactory both academic achievement and non-academic. Therefore, the investigators assumed that it happened because of poor governance. Researchers believe that school performance is influenced by internal organizational factors reinforced...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of STEM Education on the Attitudes of Secondary School Students: A Meta-Analysis
Siti Nurul Izzah, Mr Wiyanto
The aim of the study is to synthesize empirical research on the influence of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education on the attitude of middle school students. After screening some articles, research report, and dissertations, there are 15 (fifteen) articles that meet the established...
Proceedings Article
Sustainability of Organic Agriculture System by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)
Slamet Santosa, Edi Purwanto, Sajidan Suranto
One of the problems for the sustainability of agriculture systems is the excessive use of inorganic fertilizers. This affects the conditions of soil biology, soil chemistry, and irrigation water. Solution for supporting the sustainability of the agriculture system is the application of organic agriculture....
Proceedings Article
Application of Athletic Learning Models Based on Multilateral Development to Increase Motor Ability in Primary School Students
Slamet Widodo
The purpose of this research is to know: improvement of motor ability in primary school students through application of athletic learning model based on multilateral development. This research was conducted by experimental method with One Group research design, Subjects Pre-Test-Posttest Design. The...
Proceedings Article
The Strategy of Improving Principal’s Managerial Performance through the Adaptability of New Technologies
S T Satyawati, R E Siswoyo, S Martono, Achmad Rifai
The principals main task is as a manager and in line with the development of the technology, the principal as an agent of change must be able to adapt to implement new technology in managing schools. The objective of this study is to reveal the influence of adaptability of new technology implementation...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Mobile Learning for Reading Literacy (Morlisa) for English Teacher training in Semarang
Sri Katoningsih, AT Soegito, Totok Sumaryanto F, Mr Susanto
World of education develops dynamically, particularly in creating media, method, and material for learning which is more interactive and comprehensive. In fact, students have only little time in front of computer to do their assignment or reading. It is the weakness of using computer which cannot be...
Proceedings Article
Project Based Learning Enhances Student Quality in Vocational Education
Sri Sukamta, Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Rasdi Ekosiswoyo, S Martono
21st century human resource competition is getting tighter, including vocational teachers on vocational education. In micro vocational teachers are required to use the relevant learning model. One such model is the project based learning. The problem under study why vocational teachers should use project...
Proceedings Article
Development of Physics Learning Tools Contains Integration of Qur'an Values
Ms Sriatun, Suharto Linuwih, Mr Sulhadi, Ms Aninditya
This research develops product in the form of a physics learning device containing Quranic value integration to instilling analytical thinking on vocational students. The study used Research and Development (R&D) design. The feasibility of the learning tool is done by the material experts, integration...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Management Information System of Planning School Infrastructure Development Based on Priority Scale (SIMPPIS) to Improve Students’ Achievement
Mr Sucipto, Tri Joko Raharjo, S Martono, DYP Sugiharto, Virgiawan A.K
Successful development is the regional government’s objective. To achieve the objective, the government needs supporting sectors. One of them is education. By numerous students, school needs components supporting school infrastructure. By the fund limitation, the development of school infrastructure,...
Proceedings Article
Perception of Parenting Based Training by Android Assisted for BKB Cadre in Demak
widodo Suemi, Samsudi Joko, Mr Suwito
Bina Keluarga Balita (hereafter BKB) Cadres needs training to improve their skills. Cadre of BKB is community cadre working voluntary in building and giving information to the toddler’ parents about how to take care and educate toddlers well. There is still few cadre of BKB getting training so parent’s...
Proceedings Article
The Ideology Stance of the Jakarta Post through Headlines on Negara Islam Indonesia’s Case
Sugeng Irianto, Sutopo Sukarno, Saleh Joko, Mursid
This research is aimed to unfold the Ideology stance of the Jakarta Post when publishing the news on Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) case through its headlines. The data were headlines published in the Jakarta Post 2010-2014. This research was qualitative in nature, although simple quantitative also done...