Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2021)

873 authors
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Work Motivation and Discipline on Teachers’ Performance
Lian, Bukman
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Teachers’ Performance on the Students’ Learning Achievement
Lian, Bukman
The Implementation of Character Education and Literacy Culture
Lian, Bukman
The Influence of Principal’s Policy and Finance on the Quality of Education
Lian, Bukman
Influence of Public Elementary School Academic Supervision and Teacher Working Group Activities on Student Learning Results within the Makarti Mulya Work Area
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Principal Leadership and Classroom Management on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Sungai Menang District
Lian, Bukman
The Influence of Principal Leadership and Principal Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Sungai Menang District
Lian, Bukman
The Role of the School Committee in Improving the Quality of Education Management
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of the Principal’s Academic Supervision and Leadership Style on Teachers’ Performance in SD Negeri Gugus 3, Kayuagung District
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of School Management and Teachers’ Performance on the Effectiveness of Child-Friendly School at SMP Negeri 3 Kayuagung
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Transformational Leadership of Principal and School Committee on Teacher Performance in SDN Pedamaran District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Curriculum Mastery and Work Motivation on Teachers Performance of SMK N Rayon 01 OKU Regency
Lian, Bukman
The Impact of Principal Leadership and Academic Supervision on Teacher Performance
Lian, Bukman
Behavior of School Leadership in Improving the Quality of Education at SD Negeri II Kayuagung Sub-District Ogan Komering Ilir District
Lian, Bukman
PAUD Teacher Creativity in Developing Language Through Playing Dolls in Lempuing Sub-District
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Increasing Teacher Competency and Vice Principal Leadership of Academic Schools on Teacher Success at SMP Negeri 1 Mesuji
Lian, Bukman
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Benefits as Learning Media in SD Negeri Berkat OKI District
Lian, Bukman
The Impact of School Leadership and Job Motivation on the Success of Teachers of SMP Negeri Sungai Menang Sub-District Ogan Komering Ilir District
Lian, Bukman
The Leadership of Principal and Teacher Performance Influence on Student Learning Outcomes
Lian, Bukman
An Academic Supervision of School Principals and Teacher Performance and Its Implementation of Education Quality at State Junior High School in Cengal District
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Teacher Professionalism and Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Teacher Performance on Students’ Learning Outcomes
Lian, Bukman
The Influence of Teacher Discipline and School Environment on Student Learning Outcomes
Lian, Bukman
The Influence of School Committees and School Principals Leadership on the Quality of Education
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Teacher Certification Motivation and Benefits on Teacher Performance in State Junior High School in Ogan Komering Ilir District
Lian, Bukman
The Influence of School Facilities and Motivation on the Students’ Learning Outcomes
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Principal Managerial Competence and Teacher Professional Competence on Primary School Teacher Performance
Lian, Bukman
The Effect on School Productivity of Principal and Scholastic Culture
Lian, Bukman
Leadership Influence and Job Satisfaction in Islamic Junior High School 2 Teacher Discipline
Lian, Bukman
The District Education Offices in Improving the Quality of Education Junior High School in Pedamaran District
Lian, Bukman
Management of Character Education at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of School Literacy Movement and Reading Interest on the Learning Outcomes
Lian, Bukman
Influence of School Infrastructure and Work Environment on the Performance of High School Teachers
Lian, Bukman
The Influence of Work and Education and Training Disciplines on the Quality of Teacher Services at Elementary School in Ulak Baru of Cempaka District
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Principal Leadership and Teacher Motivation on Teacher Performance
Lian, Bukman
Improvement of Kriya Batik Learning Results Through the STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model
Lian, Bukman
Islamic Education Teacher Management in Implementing Guidance and Counseling Programs in Developing Student Attitude
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Compensation and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in Semendawai Barat Elementary School
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on the Work Productivity of Teacher at Vocational School No 1 in Bunga Mayang
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Workplace Discipline and Working Conditions on Teacher Performance at MTS Negeri 2 OKU Timur
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Professionalism on Education and Training in the Performance of Teacher in Junior High School of Ulak
Lian, Bukman
The Impact of Teacher Health and Job Satisfaction on Honorer Teacher Output MTs in the OKU Timur District
Lian, Bukman
The Influence of Learning Motivation and Emotional Intellegence on Student Achievement at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat OKU Timur
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Headmaster Certification and Supervision on Teacher Performance at Gunung Jati Elementary School in Cempaka District
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Teacher Work Motivation and Compensation on the Performance of Elementary School Teachers at Cempaka Sub-District of OKU Timur District
Lian, Bukman
The Effect of Compensation and Job Satisfaction on the Teacher Work Motivation on Islamic Junior High School 2 Oku Timur
Lian, Bukman
The Work Ethic of Teachers and Employees in SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat
Lian, Buman
The Impact of Work Motivation and Reward System on Teacher Satisfaction at SMP Negeri Tulung Selapan District
The Role of Interests and Talents in the Competency Skills of Students
The Greatly Affect of Leadership, Encouragement and Discipline in Teacher Success
The Effect of the Principal’s Academic Supervision and Leadership Style on Teachers’ Performance in SD Negeri Gugus 3, Kayuagung District
Leadership of Schools in the Digital Era in Improving Professional Competency
Maksum, Ali
The Leadership of the Principal in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and Its Applications at Paramount School
Manto, Syukur
The Strategy of School Principal in Improving the Teachers Performance
Marliah, Anie
The Role of Key Leadership and Teacher Success on the Effectiveness of SD Negeri in Tulung Selapan
Counseling Teacher Competence in Planning Work Programs in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SMA Negeri Sekayu District
The Effect of Teacher Compensation and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance
Marta, Alfroki
The Role of Principal Leadership in Managing School-Based Management
Martha, Alfroki
Principal Leadership Strategy in Improving Teacher Performance at SMK Bakti Ibu 3 Palembang
Martha, Alfroki
The Influence of Motivation, Academic Supervision, and Work Discipline on Teachers’ Performance at SMA Nahdhotul Islam Sri Tiga
Martha, Alfroki
The Leadership Role of the Principal in Improving the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
Martha, Alfroki
The Influence of the Principal’s Leadership on Teacher Competence at SMK Ilir Timur III Palembang Sub District
Martha, Alfroki
New Student Admission Management Based Online
Martha, Alfroki
Implementation of Organizational Culture in Improving Employees Performance in Education and Culture Office Banyuasin District
The Leadership Role of the Principal in Improving the Performance of Elementary School Teachers
New Student Admission Management Based Online
The Effect of School-Based Management and Teacher Working Group Activities on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Cluster 4, Kayuagung District
The Effect of Professionalism on Education and Training in the Performance of Teacher in Junior High School of Ulak
The Effect of School Management and Teachers’ Performance on the Effectiveness of Child-Friendly School at SMP Negeri 3 Kayuagung
Megasari, Eliza
The Influence of Teaching Style and Teacher Work Motivation on the Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students in Beringin Island Sub-District
Student Worksheets Development Using Reflective Learning Based on Ethnomatematics Statistics for Students
Free School Leadership
Improving Learning Activities and Abilities Write Data Description Through Models Problem Solving Learning in Class VII Students in SMP Negeri 24 OKU
Education Character in Guru Aini Novel by Andrea Hirata
Cultural and Educational Values in Pantun Seserahan at Lubuk Rukam Village, Peninjauan District, OKU Regency
Improving the Skill of Recognizing Poetry Text Building Elements Through the Think Pair Style Cooperative Learning for Students Class VIII-A at SMP N 24 OKU
The Effect of the Utilization of School Library and Reading Interest on Student Learning Achievement Class IX in Junior High School 3 Kayuagung
The Effectiveness of Random Text Methods in Learning to Writing Text Stores of Grade 8th Junior High School in Ogan Komering Ulu
An Analysis of Educational Values and Character Values in Novel Selena by Tereliye and Their Implication for Learning High School
Leadership of the Principal in Building the Character of Students in State Secondary School 1 Lempuing Jaya OKI Regency
The Impact of Teacher Health and Job Satisfaction on Honorer Teacher Output MTs in the OKU Timur District
Mubadi, S.
The Effect of Principal Working Group Activities and Principal Professionalism on Teacher’s Performance in Keluang District
Mufidah, Nurul
The Effect of Training and Teaching Experience on Teacher’s Performance
The Influence of Principal Leadership and Principal Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Sungai Menang District
Muhdor, Moh.
Impact of the Main Leadership Style and Teachers’ Job Dedication on Teacher Professionalism
The Effects of Headmaster Management and Teacher Learning Media on Student Learning Achievement
Mukramiyah, Upik
The Impact of Teacher Job Effectiveness School Leadership and Internal Communications
The Impact of School Culture and Organizational Commitment to Performance Teachers in the SD Negeri Keluang District
The Impact of Professionalism and Job Dedication on Teacher Work District of SMP Negeri Jejawi
The Role of Key Leadership and Teacher Success on the Effectiveness of SD Negeri in Tulung Selapan
The Impact of Learning Management and Teacher Performance on Student’s Learning Outcomes in Junior High School at Tulung Selapan District
The Impact of Work Motivation and Reward System on Teacher Satisfaction at SMP Negeri Tulung Selapan District
The Influence of the Principal’s Performance and Teacher Teaching Performance on Student’s Motivation in Cengal State Elementary School
Cultural Influence and Commitment to Teacher Professionalism
The Effect of Principal Supervision and Organization Culture on Teacher Performance at SD Sirah Pulau Padang, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency
The Effect of Principal Supervision and Teacher Performance on Learning Outcomes Elementary School Students in Cluster III Kayuagung District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency
The Effect of School Culture and Discipline on Teacher Performance at SMA Negeri Mesuji Makmur
The Effect of Behavior and Characteristics of the Principal’s Duty on the Satisfaction of Educators and Education at SMA Negeri Mesuji Makmur
The Effect of School-Based Management and Teacher Working Group Activities on Teacher Performance in SD Negeri Cluster 4, Kayuagung District
The Influence of Principal Leadership and Teacher Working Group Activities on Teacher Performance at State of Elementary School Cluster III District Kayuagung