Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2020)
283 authors
- A.P, Danang Syailendra
- Employee Education Background on Credit Risk Defining Factors of Islamic Banking in Indonesia and Malaysia
- A.R., Murniati
- Education and Training Management in Increasing Teacher Performance
- A.R., Murniati
- Spiritual Leadership Management in Strengthening the Character of Students in Integrated Islamic Primary Schools
- A.R., Murniati
- Leadership Style of Principal to Increase Teacher’s Professionality
- A.R., Murniati
- Leadership of Schools in Improving Teacher Discipline and Motivation
- A.R., Murniati
- Managerial Competency of Principal
- AS, Adnin
- Principal Leadership in Increasing Teacher Job Satisfaction
- Abadi, Kurniawan
- Improving the Competence of Teachers in Maritime Vocational Schools in Indonesia
- Abdullah, Zuraidah
- Indonesian-Malaysia Elementary School Principal Participative Leadership
- Abdullah Rozak, Lili
- Principal Leadership and Student Achievement
- Abubakar
- Instructional Leadership:
- Abubakar
- Instructional Leadership and Capacity Building for Teaching Quality
- Adam, Moeh
- Analysis of Benefits and Problems of Leadership Training
- Aedi, Nur
- Work Motivation:
- Agustriani, Devi Pramiati
- Work Motivation:
- Ali, Eva Lathifah
- Youth Unemployment in Emerging Economies:
- Alinurdin, Enjang
- Postgraduate Student Readiness Entering Cloud Class Era
- Amalia, Kaniati
- The Woman School Principals’ Leadership Facing the Educational Change in the Globalization Era
- Amatullah, Salma Faizah
- Ethnopedagogical Leadership Based on Lampung’s Local Wisdom in Schools
- Ampry, Evy Segarawati
- Principal Leadership and Student Achievement
- Ampry, Evy Segarawati
- Internet User Behavior and Social Media in Learning
- Ampry, Evy Segarawati
- Academic Supervision Using Professional Learning Community (PLC) by Principals of Public Elementary Schools in Enrekang Regency
- Anggraeni, Indah
- Learning Leadership:
- Aprilina, Raita Gina
- How to Implement Supervision Programs at School
- Ardiansyah, Neris Peri
- Application of Appropriate Technology in Household Waste Treatment in Community Education Perspective
- Arisman, Teguh Wendy
- Situational Leadership Readiness
- Aseanty, Deasy
- Analysis the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Student Satisfaction and Its Impact on Motivation to Learn on Higher Education
- Asima, Melisa Nur
- Teacher Adaptability Through E-Leadership and Vocational Work Environment in the Era of Digitalization
- Aslam
- Internet User Behavior and Social Media in Learning
- Aslam
- Academic Supervision Using Professional Learning Community (PLC) by Principals of Public Elementary Schools in Enrekang Regency
- Asri, Kholifatul Husan
- The Leadership Capacity of the Principal in Improving the Quality of Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Asri, Kholifatul Husna
- The Woman School Principals’ Leadership Facing the Educational Change in the Globalization Era
- Atmaja, Mohamad Surya
- Analysis of Antecedents Visit Intention on Thousand Islands Tourism Moderated by Travel Motivation and Employee Education and Training on Improving Performance in Providing Services
- Azzahra, Olga Reisha
- Parents in the Quality Culture
- BO, Chankoulika
- New Generation Schools in Cambodia
- Chabibie, Muhammad Hasan
- Learning Organizations Employees of the Center for Data and Technology
- Dalimunthe, Zainul Bahri
- Knowledge Management, the Effects of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Workplace Bullying to Turnover Intention
- Damayanti, Fujy Puspita
- An Analysis of Digital Leadership in the Pandemic Covid-19 Era
- Dewi, Riska Sari
- Knowledge Management, the Effects of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Workplace Bullying to Turnover Intention
- Djamaludin, M.
- Analysis of Benefits and Problems of Leadership Training
- Fahmi, Chairul
- Supervisors Facilitate Principals Teachers in Creating Student Achievements
- Fathiyatussa’adah, Ummi
- Islamic Boarding School Learning Management in New Normal Era
- Fatonah, Totoh
- Instructional Leadership:
- Feriyanti
- Leadership of Schools in Improving Teacher Discipline and Motivation
- G, Nadir
- Academic Supervision Using Professional Learning Community (PLC) by Principals of Public Elementary Schools in Enrekang Regency
- Gaffar, Moch Fakhry
- The Development of Academic Services Model in Enhancing Better Graduates Quality
- Gaffar, Mohammad Fakry
- Implementation of Principal’s Digital Leadership in Communication and Teacher Professional Development at School
- Gaffar, Mohammad Fakry
- The Implementation of Physical Special Allocation Funds (DAK) at Primary School
- Gaffar, Muhammad Fakry
- The Analysis of Self-Learning Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period:
- Gunawan, Andreas Wahyu
- Analysis the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Student Satisfaction and Its Impact on Motivation to Learn on Higher Education
- Gunawan, Irvan
- Financial Aid
- Hanafi, Ivan
- Improving the Competence of Teachers in Maritime Vocational Schools in Indonesia
- Hardhienata, Soewarto
- Optimization Model for Effective Implementation of the Recommendations From Research Findings in the Field of Education Management
- Hartini, Nani
- Implementation of Servant Leadership in New Normal Policies
- Hartini, Nani
- The Role of the Professional Learning Community to Develop Teacher Leadership
- Hartini, Nani
- Performance of Principal in Elementary School for Realizing “Freedom to Learn”
- Harun, Cut Zahri
- Supervision Improve the Professional Competence of Cultural Arts Teachers
- Haryantini
- Intersection of Native Characteristics Factors as a Feasibility of Teaching Factory Collaboration Program Between Companies and Vocational Schools in Extrusion Material for Lighting Product
- Hasanah, Milaty Septi
- The Implementation of Transformational Leadership to Improve School Quality
- Heliyani, Tita
- An Efective Learning Method During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Hendarman
- The Increased Learning Effectiveness Through Strengthening Organizational Climate and Pedagogical Competency
- Herawan, Endang
- Leadership Chair and Tutor of the Learning Centers (PKBM) on the Effectiveness Quality of Learning
- Herawan, Endang
- Adaptation to New Habits: School-Based Financing Strategies for Public High School During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Herfina
- Optimization Model for Effective Implementation of the Recommendations From Research Findings in the Field of Education Management
- Hermawan, Endang
- Student Management Based on Total Quality Management in Character Building in Boarding School
- Hidayati, Dian
- Effectiveness of Teacher Training Using Online Media During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Huliatunisa, Yayah
- Islamic Boarding School Supervision to Creating Smart Students
- Huliatunisa, Yayah
- The Presence of Internal Quality Management Strategies in Improving a Culture of Quality
- Huliatunisa, Yayah
- Evaluation of the Quality of Education Services
- Husen, A. Rofik
- Transformation of Pesantren Persatuan Islam
- IZFS, Ratu Dintha
- Postgraduate Student Readiness Entering Cloud Class Era
- Indra, Roni
- Transformation of Educational Quality Assurance Concepts and Practices to Reduce the Gap in School Self-Evaluation Results With Accreditation Evidence From Indonesia
- Iskandar, Harris
- The Impact of CPD in Teaching, and the Role of Principal in Promoting CPD
- Ismi, Fadhila Maulida
- Management of Classroom: Utilization of Learning Facilities and Teacher Performance on Learning Effectiveness
- Isrowiyah
- The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Quality of Early Children Education Institutions
- Istiqomah, Da’iatul
- Implementation of Servant Leadership in New Normal Policies
- Jannah, Eva Miftahul
- Learning Organization Implementation Strategy for Developing Team Learning in Schools
- Juanda, Iwan Rahmat
- Managerial Competence:
- Juwariah, Yanti
- Study of School Planning
- Karinawati
- Implementation of Managerial Competence Headmaster in the New Era
- Khaira, Liyal
- Leadership Style of Principal to Increase Teacher’s Professionality
- Komariah, Aan
- Parents in the Quality Culture
- Komariah, Aan
- Leadership and Administrative Skills:
- Komariah, Aan
- Financial Aid
- Komariah, Aan
- Principal Leadership and Student Achievement
- Komariah, Aan
- The Effectiveness of Online Website-Based New Student Admissions (PPDB)
- Komariah, Aan
- Teacher Performance:
- Komariah, Aan
- The Leadership Capacity of the Principal in Improving the Quality of Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Komariah, Aan
- Character Education in Home Based Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Komariah, Aan
- Academic Service Quality Survey in Higher Education
- Komariah, Aan
- Bazz Group: Enhancing the Role of Expert Group in Student Learning Activeness
- Komariah, Aan
- Management of Classroom: Utilization of Learning Facilities and Teacher Performance on Learning Effectiveness
- Komariah, Aan
- Academic Supervision Using Professional Learning Community (PLC) by Principals of Public Elementary Schools in Enrekang Regency
- Komariah, Aan
- Ethnopedagogical Leadership Based on Lampung’s Local Wisdom in Schools
- Komariah, Aan
- Transformation of Educational Quality Assurance Concepts and Practices to Reduce the Gap in School Self-Evaluation Results With Accreditation Evidence From Indonesia
- Komariah, Aan
- Teacher Adaptability Through E-Leadership and Vocational Work Environment in the Era of Digitalization
- Komariah, Aan
- Management of Distance Learning in Rural Areas in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Komariah, Aan
- Productivity of Lecturers in International Indexed Journal Publications
- Komariah, Aan
- Indonesian-Malaysia Elementary School Principal Participative Leadership
- Kurniady, Dedy Achmad
- Parents in the Quality Culture