Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2020)

283 authors
A.P, Danang Syailendra
Employee Education Background on Credit Risk Defining Factors of Islamic Banking in Indonesia and Malaysia
A.R., Murniati
Education and Training Management in Increasing Teacher Performance
A.R., Murniati
Spiritual Leadership Management in Strengthening the Character of Students in Integrated Islamic Primary Schools
A.R., Murniati
Leadership Style of Principal to Increase Teacher’s Professionality
A.R., Murniati
Leadership of Schools in Improving Teacher Discipline and Motivation
A.R., Murniati
Managerial Competency of Principal
AS, Adnin
Principal Leadership in Increasing Teacher Job Satisfaction
Abadi, Kurniawan
Improving the Competence of Teachers in Maritime Vocational Schools in Indonesia
Abdullah, Zuraidah
Indonesian-Malaysia Elementary School Principal Participative Leadership
Abdullah Rozak, Lili
Principal Leadership and Student Achievement
Instructional Leadership:
Instructional Leadership and Capacity Building for Teaching Quality
Adam, Moeh
Analysis of Benefits and Problems of Leadership Training
Aedi, Nur
Work Motivation:
Agustriani, Devi Pramiati
Work Motivation:
Ali, Eva Lathifah
Youth Unemployment in Emerging Economies:
Alinurdin, Enjang
Postgraduate Student Readiness Entering Cloud Class Era
Amalia, Kaniati
The Woman School Principals’ Leadership Facing the Educational Change in the Globalization Era
Amatullah, Salma Faizah
Ethnopedagogical Leadership Based on Lampung’s Local Wisdom in Schools
Ampry, Evy Segarawati
Principal Leadership and Student Achievement
Ampry, Evy Segarawati
Internet User Behavior and Social Media in Learning
Ampry, Evy Segarawati
Academic Supervision Using Professional Learning Community (PLC) by Principals of Public Elementary Schools in Enrekang Regency
Anggraeni, Indah
Learning Leadership:
Aprilina, Raita Gina
How to Implement Supervision Programs at School
Ardiansyah, Neris Peri
Application of Appropriate Technology in Household Waste Treatment in Community Education Perspective
Arisman, Teguh Wendy
Situational Leadership Readiness
Aseanty, Deasy
Analysis the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Student Satisfaction and Its Impact on Motivation to Learn on Higher Education
Asima, Melisa Nur
Teacher Adaptability Through E-Leadership and Vocational Work Environment in the Era of Digitalization
Internet User Behavior and Social Media in Learning
Academic Supervision Using Professional Learning Community (PLC) by Principals of Public Elementary Schools in Enrekang Regency
Asri, Kholifatul Husan
The Leadership Capacity of the Principal in Improving the Quality of Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Asri, Kholifatul Husna
The Woman School Principals’ Leadership Facing the Educational Change in the Globalization Era
Atmaja, Mohamad Surya
Analysis of Antecedents Visit Intention on Thousand Islands Tourism Moderated by Travel Motivation and Employee Education and Training on Improving Performance in Providing Services
Azzahra, Olga Reisha
Parents in the Quality Culture
BO, Chankoulika
New Generation Schools in Cambodia
Chabibie, Muhammad Hasan
Learning Organizations Employees of the Center for Data and Technology
Dalimunthe, Zainul Bahri
Knowledge Management, the Effects of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Workplace Bullying to Turnover Intention
Damayanti, Fujy Puspita
An Analysis of Digital Leadership in the Pandemic Covid-19 Era
Dewi, Riska Sari
Knowledge Management, the Effects of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Workplace Bullying to Turnover Intention
Djamaludin, M.
Analysis of Benefits and Problems of Leadership Training
Fahmi, Chairul
Supervisors Facilitate Principals Teachers in Creating Student Achievements
Fathiyatussa’adah, Ummi
Islamic Boarding School Learning Management in New Normal Era
Fatonah, Totoh
Instructional Leadership:
Leadership of Schools in Improving Teacher Discipline and Motivation
G, Nadir
Academic Supervision Using Professional Learning Community (PLC) by Principals of Public Elementary Schools in Enrekang Regency
Gaffar, Moch Fakhry
The Development of Academic Services Model in Enhancing Better Graduates Quality
Gaffar, Mohammad Fakry
Implementation of Principal’s Digital Leadership in Communication and Teacher Professional Development at School
Gaffar, Mohammad Fakry
The Implementation of Physical Special Allocation Funds (DAK) at Primary School
Gaffar, Muhammad Fakry
The Analysis of Self-Learning Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period:
Gunawan, Andreas Wahyu
Analysis the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Student Satisfaction and Its Impact on Motivation to Learn on Higher Education
Gunawan, Irvan
Financial Aid
Hanafi, Ivan
Improving the Competence of Teachers in Maritime Vocational Schools in Indonesia
Hardhienata, Soewarto
Optimization Model for Effective Implementation of the Recommendations From Research Findings in the Field of Education Management
Hartini, Nani
Implementation of Servant Leadership in New Normal Policies
Hartini, Nani
The Role of the Professional Learning Community to Develop Teacher Leadership
Hartini, Nani
Performance of Principal in Elementary School for Realizing “Freedom to Learn”
Harun, Cut Zahri
Supervision Improve the Professional Competence of Cultural Arts Teachers
Intersection of Native Characteristics Factors as a Feasibility of Teaching Factory Collaboration Program Between Companies and Vocational Schools in Extrusion Material for Lighting Product
Hasanah, Milaty Septi
The Implementation of Transformational Leadership to Improve School Quality
Heliyani, Tita
An Efective Learning Method During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Increased Learning Effectiveness Through Strengthening Organizational Climate and Pedagogical Competency
Herawan, Endang
Leadership Chair and Tutor of the Learning Centers (PKBM) on the Effectiveness Quality of Learning
Herawan, Endang
Adaptation to New Habits: School-Based Financing Strategies for Public High School During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Optimization Model for Effective Implementation of the Recommendations From Research Findings in the Field of Education Management
Hermawan, Endang
Student Management Based on Total Quality Management in Character Building in Boarding School
Hidayati, Dian
Effectiveness of Teacher Training Using Online Media During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Huliatunisa, Yayah
Islamic Boarding School Supervision to Creating Smart Students
Huliatunisa, Yayah
The Presence of Internal Quality Management Strategies in Improving a Culture of Quality
Huliatunisa, Yayah
Evaluation of the Quality of Education Services
Husen, A. Rofik
Transformation of Pesantren Persatuan Islam
IZFS, Ratu Dintha
Postgraduate Student Readiness Entering Cloud Class Era
Indra, Roni
Transformation of Educational Quality Assurance Concepts and Practices to Reduce the Gap in School Self-Evaluation Results With Accreditation Evidence From Indonesia
Iskandar, Harris
The Impact of CPD in Teaching, and the Role of Principal in Promoting CPD
Ismi, Fadhila Maulida
Management of Classroom: Utilization of Learning Facilities and Teacher Performance on Learning Effectiveness
The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Quality of Early Children Education Institutions
Istiqomah, Da’iatul
Implementation of Servant Leadership in New Normal Policies
Jannah, Eva Miftahul
Learning Organization Implementation Strategy for Developing Team Learning in Schools
Juanda, Iwan Rahmat
Managerial Competence:
Juwariah, Yanti
Study of School Planning
Implementation of Managerial Competence Headmaster in the New Era
Khaira, Liyal
Leadership Style of Principal to Increase Teacher’s Professionality
Komariah, Aan
Parents in the Quality Culture
Komariah, Aan
Leadership and Administrative Skills:
Komariah, Aan
Financial Aid
Komariah, Aan
Principal Leadership and Student Achievement
Komariah, Aan
The Effectiveness of Online Website-Based New Student Admissions (PPDB)
Komariah, Aan
Teacher Performance:
Komariah, Aan
The Leadership Capacity of the Principal in Improving the Quality of Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Komariah, Aan
Character Education in Home Based Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic
Komariah, Aan
Academic Service Quality Survey in Higher Education
Komariah, Aan
Bazz Group: Enhancing the Role of Expert Group in Student Learning Activeness
Komariah, Aan
Management of Classroom: Utilization of Learning Facilities and Teacher Performance on Learning Effectiveness
Komariah, Aan
Academic Supervision Using Professional Learning Community (PLC) by Principals of Public Elementary Schools in Enrekang Regency
Komariah, Aan
Ethnopedagogical Leadership Based on Lampung’s Local Wisdom in Schools
Komariah, Aan
Transformation of Educational Quality Assurance Concepts and Practices to Reduce the Gap in School Self-Evaluation Results With Accreditation Evidence From Indonesia
Komariah, Aan
Teacher Adaptability Through E-Leadership and Vocational Work Environment in the Era of Digitalization
Komariah, Aan
Management of Distance Learning in Rural Areas in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Komariah, Aan
Productivity of Lecturers in International Indexed Journal Publications
Komariah, Aan
Indonesian-Malaysia Elementary School Principal Participative Leadership
Kurniady, Dedy Achmad
Parents in the Quality Culture