Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Advanced ICT and Education

Session: ICT for Education

94 articles
Proceedings Article

Role of Education of People in Charge of Facilities Producing Pastry in Avoiding the Use of Food Colors

Fereshteh Farzianpour, Shayan Hosseini, Shadi Hosseini, Seyed Shahab Hosseini
Training of foodstuff producers as a group effective on the quality of food materials is an important factor in achievement of food safety. This was an analytical interven-tional study, which was performed in a cross-sectional manner in 10 months. The target population consist-ed of 180 individuals in...
Proceedings Article

FEAR OF THE FUTURE AND FUTUROLOGICAL ORIENTATIONS OF STUDENTS-The future is not a gift,it is an achievement.

Nenad Suzic, Harry Lowder
In this research the author starts from the two hyptheses that rapid changes and contemporary reality bring fear of the future to which not even students are immune, and that among students we can recognize different value orientations in relation to the past, present and future. From a sample of 189...
Proceedings Article

Easy and pleasant learning concept in optical design

Ilya Mimorov, Vladimir Vasiliev, Irina Livshits, Roman Anitropov
This is important to understand and take into account when creating new educational programs. ICT plays an important role in this process because current generation is already accustomed to use it in everyday life. "Written" lectures, tutorials and books are much less popular than internet resources....
Proceedings Article

Pedagogy for Professional Learning

Iain Doherty
Professional learning is defined as formal or informal learning that leads to the knowledge, skills and personal attributes necessary to carry out professional duties. This paper critically reflects on the peda-gogical approach underlying an eLearn-ing Certificate Course. The aim of the course was to...
Proceedings Article

Study of Experiment Education Quality Promotion by Building Appointment Management Platform

Xiaoyan Deng, Zhimeng Zhang, Yancong Shi
The main aim of this paper is exploring a new laboratory teaching mode learned from the office automation in recent years. Firstly, analyzing the real requirement in experiment teaching, we build up an open appointment platform for instructors and students. Based on it, we could manage the experiment...
Proceedings Article

Storyboarding Pervasive Learning Games

Klaus P. Jantke, Sebastian Spundflasch
Game-Based Learning (GBL, for short) is apparently very attractive and challenging field of technology enhanced learning. In game-based learning, the technological systems employed for the purpose of learning are digital games. Stand-alone serious games are rare. Games employed for learning need to be...
Proceedings Article

Privacy Quiz- Game-based learning on multiple mobile platforms

Bettina Harriehausen-Mühlbauer
The Privacy Quiz has been developed in collaboration between the University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt and Lufthansa AG. The goal of the project was the development of a mobile learning application for Lufthansa managers to learn about data privacy topics playfully and interactively. The application...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration on Innovation of Analog Electronic Technology Course

Liu Jun, Wang Qi
This article carries on a detailed analysis and study on content, teaching methods and the problems of experimental teach-ing in the analog electronic technolo-gy(AET) course. It proposes the relevant scope, strategies and principles about teaching innovation of it. It introduces the contents and stages...
Proceedings Article

The Misconceptions Recognized from My Business Studies in China and Abroad

Wenkai Zhou
Four year overseas studies and Chinese background made me be aware of the presence of many misconceptions in the understanding of Chinese business, tradi-tional culture and education. Certain the-ories related to politics or military like “thick face, black heart” and “Sun Tzu on the art of war” are...
Proceedings Article

Game-Based Training of Executive Staff of Professional Disaster Management: Storyboarding Adaptivity of Game Play

Sebastian Arnold, Jun Fujima, Klaus P. Jantke, Andreas Karsten, Harald Simeit
Game-Based Learning is a modern field of technology-enhanced learning cover-ing several sub-fields such as game-based training. Learning, in general, and training, in particular, may be enormously more effective, if the process adapts to the particular needs of the human learner or trainee. The crux...
Proceedings Article

Game-based Learning for Digital Natives: Knowledge is Just a Click Away

Kathrin Knautz, Simone Soubusta, Lisa Orszullok
In this paper, we present a project in which a university course on knowledge representation is turned into an interactive online text adventure. Our new way of using game mechanics demands a comprehensible didactic design during the planning phase as well as during the implementation of the course and...
Proceedings Article

A Comprehensive Assessment to campus security Based on Grey Cluster

Yongsheng Liu, Yanan Wang
Based on the existing assessment theory and model, a newt campus security model is structured. Then use this model to evaluate campus security of four universities in Hebei province. The results showed that the model, based on grey cluster, not only could confirm the quality degree of every evaluation...
Proceedings Article

A new evaluation index system of the assessment of higher education in China

Cao Lijuan, Li Meng
A new education index system is required in order to comprehensively improve the quality of higher education and achieve the training goal of applied talents. The education index system should be established by choosing the appropriate assessment methods. These methods could be selected by contrasting...
Proceedings Article

The Seminar Teaching Approach of University Case Analysis of Master’s Degree Program

Wang Xing-ju, Gao Gui-feng, Zhao Lin
To explore students’ learning initiative and self-learning ability, the seminar teaching approach is necessary. The seminar teaching approach can also train students' verbal ability and enhance their sense of participation. The activities can develop students to get the comprehensive ability of exploring...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Traditional Lecture Method combined with the Seminar Teaching Method in the Graduate Education

Wang Xing-ju, Zhao Lin, Gao Gui-feng
The traditional teaching method gives full play to the teacher's leading role and enables the student to obtain more knowledge. But the traditional teaching method makes the students lose the learning initiative and creativity. Seminar teaching method is a kind of research type teaching method. It fully...
Proceedings Article

Problems of Effectiveness of Education Services for Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation

Elena Khudorenko
Education for Persons with Disabilities is a special socio-economic resource which is of paramount importance, aimed at reducing their isolation and economic de-pendence. The article is devoted to inves-tigating the problems of effectiveness of educational services for persons with dis-abilities and...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Interactive Whiteboards into the Educational Systems at Primary and Secondary Schools in the Slovak Republic

Peter Brecka, Monika Olekšáková
The contribution describes interactive whiteboards, their fundamental advantages and disadvantages, types, their deployment in practice in the frame of pedagogical innovations in the system of education in Slovakia and also their possible implementation in primary and secondary schools based on the previously...
Proceedings Article

Service Learning for Empowering Tribal Peoples with Living Labs for Medical Education Reform in Taiwan

Duujian Tsai, Tsung Ping Yu, Yu Chia Chen, Shyh-Dye Lee
This project is establishing a platform for Living Lab experiments using smart technology in tribal areas of Taiwan, with the goal of empowering high mountain indigenous peoples. We are forging a learning environment through partner-ships between universities, tribal peoples and technology companies...
Proceedings Article

Self-regulated learning behavior and perception of students participating in EU-SUPPORT social network

S. Charoenwet, I. Zurida
A student collaborative social network was established based on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) platform of EU-SUPPORT network. The EU-SUPPORT is a sub network under the Norwegian Environmental Education that focuses on schools to promote the quality of education for sustainable development....
Proceedings Article

A Study on Colleges and Universities Serving Local Economy from the Perspective of Industryuniversityresearch Integration

Huang Mingyue, Yang Guangmin
Industry-university-research integration is a unity which establishes the university-centered integration of education, scientific research and production. This unity is of very practical guiding importance to boost local economy, enhance regional economic vitality, and ensure school running characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Construction of the Online Test System for Common Basic Course in Colleges

Xiyun Wang, Lei Wang, Dongguo Li
The teaching of common basic course in colleges has several drawbacks, such as teachers' subject and examination-driven approach. If teaching process was shifted from curriculum-centered to student-centered, there was a great improvement in teaching even in education. This paper suggests that it should...
Proceedings Article

Virtualization Technology for Multimedia Interaction Cloud Education Services

Ren-Chiun Wang, Jeng-Ping Lin, Shih-Shin Hu
For enhancing the effectiveness of teach-ing and learning, e-learning is one of ways to achieve the goal. In past e-learning platforms, when more and more teaching materials are provided from characters (teachers, students, independent software vendors (ISV) and content service vendors (CSV)), or more...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Application of Blended Learning Model in Peasants Distance Education

Lei Chen, Jianxin Guo
It was more important to create a new training model to ensure the quality of distance education. From a peasant point of view, this paper thought that blended learning was an integration of face-to-face learning and on-line learning. Based on Beijing rural modern distance educa-tion platform, the paper...
Proceedings Article

Design of personalized learning system in modern distance education for party members and cadres

Min Wang, Jianxin Guo
Personalized learning has been one of the most active areas of education innova-tion, particularly with the support of information technology development. At present, it has limited application in party members and cadres modern distance education. This article introduced ideas of designing personalized...
Proceedings Article

ICT in Basic Education:Educational experience at EEFM Prof. “Bolívar Bordallo da Silva, Bragança”, Pará, Brazil.

Rezerneide Guimarães Melo, Rosália Souza de Oliveira
The computer and internet when incorpo-rated in to the school routine favors the development of new pedagogical circum-stances [1]. Many tools provided by ICTs offer interactive web space without the need what internet users have mastery of the programming language. The Ministry of Education - MEC directs...
Proceedings Article


Daniela Barbulov Popov
Development of technology and visual communications implicates the necessity of the school subject visual art through which it is possible to present to the pupils the most important art pieces and achievements from the domain of visual communications which will form their opinion about aesthetics and...
Proceedings Article

On English Reading Achievement and Perceptions

Pei-Chin Hsieh, Chang-Ho Ji
This study compared the effects of three instructional methods—synchronous online communication, asynchronous online communication, and traditional grammar translation method—in English reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental research design included pre and post reading comprehension tests for all...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of e-Book on Students’ Learning Styles A Study in Terengganu, Malaysia

W. Roslina, S. Fahmy, Z. Fariha, N. Haslinda, A. Yacob, N. Sukinah, N. Suhana
Electronic Book or e-Book has been adopted in the education system throughout the worlddue to its positive effect to the learning environment. This paper is a part of a continuous research effort in the Malaysian e-Book project with the aim of investigating the effect of e-Book on students’ learning...
Proceedings Article

Moral Dilemmas in Serious Games

Jacqueline Krebs
Why don’t we decide or act in certain situations like we deem it right? Decision-making and acting appropri-ately frequently differs in individual plans, resolutions, principles and attitudes from morality. This mismatch, between verdict and behavior, covers not only all areas of life but counts for...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Inquiry-based Learning Supported by Digital Technologies in Courses of Professional Development for Chemistry Teachers

Zita Jenisová, Jana Braniša, Janka Melušová
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is based on students` enquire of different situations and formulate relating questions. Experi-mental activity from real-life chemistry using school-measuring equipment con-taining spectrometer connected to com-puter was piloted with 25 in-service teachers attending course...
Proceedings Article

Development of A Web-based English Teaching Course to Increase Nursing Students’ Information Literacy Competency

Ching-Yu Cheng, Shwu-Ru Liou, Wei-Chieh Yu, Hsiu-Min Tsai
This study aimed to develop a web-based course to cultivate nursing students' information literacy competency. The study was a three-semester study that included a development of the course, pilot-test and modification of the course design, and final implementation of the modified course design. All...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Design in Sustainable Architectural Education

Shaojie Zhang, Tieqiao Xiao
Green buildings and sustainable design have become the points architects are concerned about. At the same time, a lack of collaboration with other design disciplines is a problem encountered by many architecture designers. In such a situation, some architects promote a method of integrated design, which...
Proceedings Article

Observation, research and natural sciences as part of the medical education. The historical context.

Orsolya Horber, Karoly Zilahi
The relationship between natural sciences and medicine has been a great deal closer throughout the history of medicine in Transylvania than it is nowadays. The physicians of the second half of the eighteenth century were accustomed to analyse the composition of mineral waters, to hike along the Carpathian...
Proceedings Article

Collaboration through Open Educational Resources Based on the Lost Narrative

Andrea Cristina Versuti, Daniella De Jesus Lima, Daniel David Alves da Silva
This paper aims for discussing the Collaboration through Open Educational Resources based on the narrative of Lost. In order to get it developed, we propose to analyze the concept of Open Educational Resources and Transmedia Storytelling according to the data from the Lost narrative. We also aim to discuss...
Proceedings Article

The Construction and Validity of Scale of Self-Efficacy for Statistical Literacy

Su-Wei Lin, Chien-Yi Huang
This study aims to investigate the de-velopment and application of the scale of self-efficacy for senior high school stu-dents’ statistical literacy (SSESL). Statis-tical literacy refers to the ability to inter-pret and critically evaluate messages that contain statistical elements. Regarding science...
Proceedings Article

The Role of eLearning in Enterprise Training in Australia

Chau Giang
eLearning is one of the essential compo-nents of workplace training in recent im-plementations of enterprise systems at large Australian organisations. Often used in a blended learning approach, eLearn-ing plays a major role in providing basic information to a large number of users in typically short...
Proceedings Article

Expert Knowledge in Distance Learning Approaches

Dipl Math, Dirk Malzahn
Growing economies require methods and technologies to develop the capabilities of a high number of people in short time. E-learning approaches cover the standard repertoire of academic knowledge, but the distribution of experience and expert knowledge is merely addressed. This pa-per describes the design...
Proceedings Article

A Quest for Knowledge Representation Instruction

Lisa Orszullok, Kathrin Knautz, Simone Soubusta
Given the evidence for a new generation of users – the digital natives, an examina-tion of the factors that impact upon their social and learning behavior, seems war-ranted. In addition to these changes in learning habits, we should pose the ques-tion whether this generation lacks a new form of teaching...
Proceedings Article

The Application of British Parliamentary Debate in College English Classroom from Multimodal Perspective

Lu Lu
The application of British Parliamentary debate in Chinese college English classroom is an effective way to create multimodal communication environment, so as to trigger students’ interest in learning as well as to improve their communicative skills and critical thinking. This paper provides a theoretical...
Proceedings Article

An instrument for evaluating problem solving, inquiry and programming skills in the context of robotics education

Heilo Altin, Margus Pedaste
Educational robotics has been mostly practiced as an extracurricular activity. There are few studies evaluating the ef-fect of robotics education on students’ improvement. For such studies an instru-ment for evaluating study effect in the context of robotics is needed. We devel-oped and tested such an...
Proceedings Article

Partial distributed teams as learning practice: experience from PDT project

Rimantas Gatautis, Asta Kazakeviciute, Audrone Medziausiene
Paper presents experience of participating in Partially Distributed Teams project, which is considered as good learning practice for students. During the project student work in subteam which are physi-cally co-located and share the same work context, however geographic distance separates multiple subteams...
Proceedings Article

An Instructional Design Model Based On the Problem-Based Learning

Corina Musuroi, Ioana Iacob
This paper aims to describe a project of instructional design conceived to promote the principle of student-centered educa-tion. This pattern of education targets the students’ knowledge needs by continu-ously modeling their learning environ-ment. The described model is actually a chal-lenge, a path...
Proceedings Article

Exercise generation with the system Passarola

José João Almeida, Isabel Araújo, Irene Brito, Nuno Carvalho, Gaspar J. Machado, Rui M. S. Pereira, Georgi Smirnov
A robust multi-domain coverage exercise generation system usually works with an-swers of simple types (e.g. multiple-choice, Boolean, integer, or file compari-son). In this paper we describe Passarola, a simple, yet powerful, exercise genera-tion system and its language that anyone with no computer science...
Proceedings Article

Transdisciplinarity in research and education

Mara Elena Lucia
Transdisciplinarity leads to intensification of relations between disciplines and discovering new horizons of knowledge. Transdisciplinary research is radically distinct from disciplinary research, among them being a complementary relationship. Forming adolescents for life by valuing self-organization...
Proceedings Article

Using mobile devices to leverage student access to collaboratively-generated resources: A case of WhatsApp instant messaging at a South African University

Patient Rambe, Crispen Chipunza
WhatsApp instant messaging has poten-tial to bridge information divides between educators and students. Its capacity to create personalised environments was harnessed to share collectively generated educational resources among previously disadvantaged students (PDS) students at a South African university....
Proceedings Article

Multi-Service Terminal Adapter Applications in Lifelong Learning

Li Gao, Zhichao Du, Xin Li, Yatai Ji, Xupeng Ren, Panpan Li
Taking advantage of ample modern existing telecom network resources, lifelong learning may achieve rapid development and become popular gradually in information society. The resources include the establishment of integrated rural information service platform, modern remote education center and electronic...
Proceedings Article

Impacts of network resources on teaching and the corresponding countermeasures

Hu Lan, Xue Xiangfeng, Yang Hui, Sun Yanfei, Cheng Gang
Under the time of information age, network teaching, the product of the combination of modern science and technology and modern education theory, widely used in the practice of teaching and education system, is bound to make many new innovations with the development of computer-assisted teaching and...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Talent-training Integration Mode Based on School-enterprise Cooperation in Terms of IT Majors

Xianping Yu, Shanxiong Chen, Sheng Wu
In view of the reform of undergraduate training mode in IT majors, the integra-tion training mode of school-enterprise cooperation that runs throughout the whole process of IT talent training has been explored in this paper. It is proposed that the integrated professional curricu-lum system which takes...
Proceedings Article

Effects of the Online VOD self-learning on English ability of Taiwanese college students: The ARCS approach

Da-Fu Huang
This study investigated the effect of the Live DVD self-learning system on English learning movitvation of students of a Taiwanese technological university. Modeled on on the ARCS motivation model of Keller (1987), this study vali-dated the ARCS model, examined the effects of Majors and English Levels...
Proceedings Article

Feedback Mechanism Construction of Problem-based Learning Teaching Approach in Cartography Course

Chang Jiang, Yunsong Shi, Jun Wang
Teaching system is based on the feedback. The internal function of a logical teaching system is monitored and regulated by the feedback. Constructing the feedback mechanism of teaching approach and making use of the feedback information to improve teaching effect are urgent problems of cartography course....
Proceedings Article

About “Do Evaluation of Teaching” of Quaternity of The Training Mode of Exploration and Research

Wei Fu, Pengguang Tang, Qian Li, Hao Xie, Jian Fang
With the development of modern society, all walks of life increasingly need innovative applied talents with strong hands-on skills. Aimed at the disadvantages of the traditional practice teaching mode, and through the analysis of training mode at home and abroad, this paper puts forward a "teaching evaluation”...
Proceedings Article

Brief analyzes on the status quo and the way of reform of the college practice training

Wei Fu, Pengguang Tang, Qian Li, Hao Xie, Jian Fang
Along with the high-speed development of the social economy, the enterprises demanding the ability of college students have become increasingly, changes are essentially for the traditional practice teaching mode. This article will analyze the status quo of traditional training teaching mode, and proposed...
Proceedings Article

Research and application upon Open education graduation thesis database system based on web 2.0

Zhenxiang Liu, Xiaolin Xin, Yan Jia, Ping Yu, Xinran Wei
Aiming at repairing the shortcomings of the existing Open education graduation thesis database system, we develop an Open education graduation thesis data-base system based on web 2.0 according to the notions and methods of Web 2.0.Ajax, LINQ, Social labels and other technique are introduced into our...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) to Improve Education Service Delivery in Tanzania: An Overview

Restituta Mushi, Manoj Maharaj
Advancement in technology has changed the way people think, live and engage in socio-economic development. Infor-mation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have played and continue to play a key role in education and in the education sector. Considering education as key to all aspects of social change,...
Proceedings Article

Study of Informationization of Physical Education in Regular Institutions of Higher Education in Hebei Province

Yili Sun, Jiayu Jiang
This paper takes some sports departments in higher education institutions in Hebei province as study objects, adopting the method of document literature, survey, interview and mathematical statistics to study the information infrastructure, personnel quality and the effect of the application of infomationization...
Proceedings Article

Preconditions of the Manifestation of Teacher’s ICT Competence in the Study Programmes

Brigita Janiunaite, Vitalija Jakstiene, Gintautas Cibulskas
The article addresses the following re-search question: how does a study pro-gramme create premises for the manifes-tation of teacher’s ICT competence? This problem is solved in four parts of the arti-cle. In the first part the ICT competence of a university teacher is defined; the sec-ond part reveals...
Proceedings Article

A collaborative learning feedback framework integrating mobile and web application for hands-on activity in classroom

Changyong Jung, Sukjin Lee, Hongsik Choi, James Ames
Educational learning systems have been moving to the new innovative methods that utilize mobile devices. The mobile technology becomes more demanding especially in higher educational organization to help many activities in the classroom in these days. Thus, we have proposed a new framework, referred...
Proceedings Article

Educational computer games development: methodology, techniques, implementation

Olga Shabalina, Pavel Vorobkalov, Alexander Kataev, Alla Kravets
Educational games development process includes all the stages of software devel-opment process. But there are important specific problems of educational games development to be solved related to the way of integration of educational content to the game and technologies of its im-plementation. In this...
Proceedings Article

Expand distance education connotation by the construction of a general education cloud

Xu Zhihong, Gu Junhua, Dong Yongfeng, Zhang Jun, Li Yan
With the development and popularization of cloud computing technology, education cloud appears gradually also. The construction of education cloud has the positive function for modern distance education to refrain from repetitive construction of CAI system and strengthen personalized teaching, remote...
Proceedings Article

Status and improving countermeasures of information technology education and students’ application ability in primary and secondary schools in Qinghai ethnic areas

Zhanlong Guo
this paper makes a field survey on teachers and opening status of information technology courses, and the status of computer configuration and students’ application ability in primary and secondary schools in Qinghai ethnic areas, and analyzes problems and proposes feasible improving countermeasures.
Proceedings Article

Student capabilities to utilize m-learning service in new smart devices

Amir Dirin, Marko Nieminen, Mirka Kettunen
A typical gadget that students often carry is a smart phone. Each smart phone brand has often unique features and capabilities. This study reveals how stu-dents perceive these devices when they start-up for the first time and discusses the major gaps among these devices based on students’ usability experiments....
Proceedings Article

Bridging the Gap between University and Industry: Efforts Made at Faculty of Engineering – Rabigh - Saudi Arabia

Abdullah Al-Shehri, Mostafa A-b Ebrahim, Hani Shafeek, Mohamed Fekry Soliman, Mohamed Helmy Abdel-Aziz
For a long time collaboration between Universities and industry has been existed, but the rapid increase of global knowledge has strengthened the demand for strategic relationships that go beyond the conventional funding of research projects. The role of the university’s research should be developed...
Proceedings Article

Research on Teaching Reform of Operating System Course in Engineering Education Mode

Li Yingda
With the progress and development in the field of automation and IT, teaching op-erating system will face more new prob-lems, as a traditional computer courses. The teaching of operating system course is discussed in this paper from the per-spective of the "operating system" in our school's teaching...
Proceedings Article

From Traditional to Applied:A Case Study in Industrial Engineering Curriculum

Hani Shafeek, Mohammed Aman, Muhammad Marsudi
Applied Industrial Engineering is the application of management and technical skills for the design of new products, integration of production and/or information systems and the improvement of manufacturing processes. The purpose of this case study is to present the results of an initial research study...
Proceedings Article

Using Web 2.0 Learning Tools: Two Virtual Experiences?

M.A. Fernández, M.J. Muñoz, J.M. Rivera, R. Léon, E. Escrig, I. Ferrero
The main purpose of this work is to pre-sent successful learning experiences based on creativity, innovation and the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to develop training practices in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The learning expe-riences consist in the development...
Proceedings Article

Reform and Exploration of Single Chip Computer Course Teaching Experiment Board

Zhang Fu-yan, Teng Ying-yan
This paper analyses the limitations and shortcomings of existing single chip computer course teaching experiment equipment. For the conveniences of stu-dents to learn and use, enhancing stu-dents' comprehensive ability and quality, the author designed a teaching experi-ment board. The teaching board...
Proceedings Article

Research on Auto-solving Methods of You-sentence Word Problems

Ying Zhou, Shengli Wang, Panfei Li, Yun Ren
Based on natural language processing technology, cognitive psychology theory and word problem teaching methods, word problem auto-solving and intelligent tutoring technologies have become hot issues of research in recent years. However, since word problems are described by natural language, the number...
Proceedings Article

An I-POMDP Based Multi-Agent Architecture for Dialogue Tutoring

Fangju Wang
Dialogue systems have been widely con-sidered as useful tools for education. The challenging tasks in developing a dia-logue tutoring system include correctly interpreting student input and choosing appropriate responses. In this paper, we present a two-agent architecture for ad-dressing the challenges....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Virtual Laboratories for a Scientific Distance Game-Competition for Schoolchildren

Posov Ilya, Pozdniakov Sergei
CTE contest is an international scientific distance game-competition for school-children which provides participants with three optimization problems for one week and three software modules (virtual la-boratories) that allow experimenting with problems and automatically save best solutions. After the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Application of Mining Association Rules in Education Evaluation

Hao Jiang, Jie Cai
The paper details the algorithms and the whole process of mining association rules, and conducts a mining experiment on the database of postgraduate information. First, according to the actual situation of the postgraduate database, it adopts Al-lied Bus Transfer Algorithm to realize the data extraction...
Proceedings Article

Electronic Agenda Design for a Class with Special Educational Needs

M.E. Cárdenas, P. Villa, R.E. Vargas, L. Vega, R.R. Quintero
General population dependency in tech-nological development makes us realize the urgent to develop also applications that take into account people with special educational needs and other capabilities. We present the design of an “electronic agenda” that provides care of special needs of an Orff class...
Proceedings Article

Game-based ICT Project Formulation based on Agile Approach for Skills Development

L. Vega, N. Cancela, R. Quintero, L. Zepeda
The project we proposed seeks to develop in students the skills needed to manage projects that arise in different areas of ICT. In this way, the project can be used in many curriculum courses through the professor´s particular adaptation. Engi-neering and project management subjects can be integrated....
Proceedings Article

Application of Information and Commu-nication Technology:A Case Study of Teaching Effectiveness

Zhang Jurong, Kong Hshanglan
This paper analyses the application of ICT in teaching and the effectiveness of teaching with ICT with a survey. Data was collected via questionnaire of students in our university. The results show that application of ICT in teaching is becoming a common practice, but more efforts need to be done to...
Proceedings Article

The interaction of intuition, logic and practice when using the medium of dy¬¬namic mathematics

Yagunova E. B., Korovkin N. V.
Several criteria of improving the effi-ciency of learning / teaching are given. The results of using of modern educa-tional technology is discussed by the ex-ample of addition of vectors.
Proceedings Article

Study on the Present and Focus of Ability System for Vocational Teacher

Guiying Guo, Qinglong Zhan
This paper analyzes the current situation of ability system for vocational teacher, and refines the research focus and development trends. The main features of the current situation are isolated studies of various abilities, obvious bias, less empirical research and more theoretical studies. The main...
Proceedings Article

Network Teaching System and Its Applications in College Mathematics Learning

Yalan Li
This article describes the design concept and its application of the network teach-ing system of College Mathematics. By making use of the flexibility and the two-way interaction of the network multime-dia, the system achieves an organic com-bination of the traditional teaching-learning procedures and...
Proceedings Article

Modeling knowledge base and derivation without predefined structure by Graph-based Clausal Form Logic

Martin Žáek, Alena Lukasová, Rostislav Miarka
This paper follows the work of T. Rich-ards specialization Clausal Form Logic formal system of the first order logic. The paper presents also the way of using graph-based clausal form statements in the frame of semantic (associative) net-works. The goal of our research is to fol-low the direction towards...
Proceedings Article

Research of Online Intelligent Question Answering System Based on Curriculum Domain Ontology

Wei Sun, Shuhan Cheng, Hongmei Zhu, Weiyan Li
At present question answering system mostly take the keyword matching as the foundation, it has ignored the keywords itself contains semantic information, and the keyword matching accuracy is low. But the intelligent question answering system is on this basis, it added the un-derstanding to the semantic...
Proceedings Article

An Application of Case Method on Laboratory Animal for C++ Teaching

Jun Tan, Ming Zhong, Jian Liang, Zhaoyuan Huang
Case teaching method can make students active in program course. Therefore, it is adopted in C++ training. Laboratory Animal System (LAS) is a standalone case for management of laboratory animal, the code is written in Visual C++ and it can be installed in Windows system. In this paper, we present an...
Proceedings Article

Development of Mobile Website-based Alumni Survey (moWAS) for Assessment of Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Shamsul Mohamad, Rafizah Mohd Hanifa, Zarina Tukiran, Afandi Ahmad
Assessment and review of Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) are important parts in Outcome Based Education (OBE). Currently, the assessment is conducted on a paper-based survey to the alumnis. Since the survey data is entered manually into excel-based OBE system, it creates additional work for the...
Proceedings Article

An Extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model to the Educational Sector

Margarida Figueiredo, Lídia Vicente, Henrique Vicente, Victor Alves, José Neves
This work presents an extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model to sort adverse events root causes for the Educa-tional Sector. Extended Logic Program-ming was used for knowledge representa-tion and reasoning with defective infor-mation, allowing for the modelling of the universe of discourse in...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Current Situation and Problems of Knowledge Management in the Field of Education in China

Jixin Pan, Fuping Guo, Liping Liu
The paper first reviews the literature from the quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results show that the knowledge management mainly focuses on the re-search of higher education, education theory as well as education management. Moreover, the researchers also focus on elementary, secondary and...
Proceedings Article

A Low-Cost Writing Lab Software for Teaching English as a Second Language

Han J. W. van Triest, L Paul Mantha, Yaonan Zhang, Yan Kang
English Writing classes are very common at universities around the world, but are often considered cumbersome to teach. Moreover, the need for a fully equipped computer lab maybe problematic, and reduces the opportunity for students to collaborate. This paper examines how The Low Cost Writing Lab Software...
Proceedings Article

Using Mathematica as a teaching tool: A Digital Image Processing Experience

Han J. W. van Triest, Hao Wu, Bart M. ter Haar Romeny, Shouliang Qi, Yaonan Zhang, Yan Kang
Digital Image Processing is a course taught in a wide variety of educational programs. Due to its visual nature, the usage of modern technology such as pro-jectors is virtually mandatory. In this pa-per the benefits of using Computer Alge-bra Software in the classroom are studied. More specifically Wolfram...
Proceedings Article

Methodology of using distributed systems in advanced-level language learning

A. Ovodenko, S. Bezzateev, O. Mukhina, E. Andreeva, A. Ivanova, O. Vlasova, A. Goncova
Development of information and internet technology has led to the appearance of distributed systems in different spheres of human life. Distributed systems are creat-ed to simplify and accelerate business processes, which is relevant in the trans-lation industry. Nowadays for profes-sional translator...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and reformation of teaching methods for “Data Structure” course

Liu Na, Lu Ying, Yao Chun-long
“Data Structure” is a compulsory course for computer undergraduate students. But due to course content abstract, traditional teaching methods is difficult to make students to master the main content of the course, so as to cause students to lose interest in learning and teaching effect is not ideal....
Proceedings Article

A Work Experience Program for Premedical Students at a Paramedical and Non-medical Workplace in the Hospital Setting in Korea

Soo-Koung Jun
The aim of this study was to develop and to evaluate the students' satisfaction of the work experience learning program at the hospital setting for premedical stu-dents which was applied to 2005-2006. Program was developed in cooperation with hospital authority with reference to the similar cases of...
Proceedings Article

Project Study Program Development and Satisfaction Survey for Premedical Years at a medical school in Korea

Soo-Koung Jun
The aim of this study was to develop and describe the implementation of the project study program using an evaluation tool with portfolio in the premedical course. In 2006 the structured questionnaire was given out to 46 students in order to explore their opinions and satisfaction. This course was implemented...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of the Flunking Occurrence and Comparison of the Opinion on Flunking System between Faculty and Students at a Medical School in Korea

Soo-Koung Jun
The change of the situation of medical education requires the re-consideration of flunking system in Korea. The aim of this research is to explore the flunking status at a medical college and to compare opinion differences between faculty members and students on the flunking system. Grades and marks...
Proceedings Article

Research behavior and effectiveness studies of college P.E. teachers

Kunlun Wei, Haiyan Hao
As the current Students' Health Condition increasingly declining, the state administrative department of education urgently appeal to reform college P.E teaching, a lot of work has been done, but in college human resources evaluation system, the research work accounts for a large proportion, which seriously...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of ICT on Distance Education and Training Innovation: Perspective of Organizational Change

Lei Chen, Min Wang
With the development of ICT, distance education and training innovation will face more and more challenges. The authors think that it is necessary to use the theoretical framework of organiza-tional change to research the issue of dis-tance education and training innovation. In the authors' opinion,...
Proceedings Article

Gaming Equipment for the Enrichment of Computer Science Education

Heinz-Josef Eikerling, Michael Uelschen
Within several courses we have examined the use of gaming equipment to enrich computer science courses, as gaming was, currently is and is supposed to still be a catalyst for computer engineering and software development. In this paper we particularly address the use of equipment in educational units...
Proceedings Article

TELL and CALL for ALL: Successful Strategy Use in Second Language Learning

John Paul Loucky
This article reviews studies on ways to help maximize vocabulary and reading development online. Needs of limited English proficiency learners, especially those from East Asia are addressed, with many recommendations given of ESL/ EFL Gold programs with greatest potential to help increase motivation...
Proceedings Article

Metaphorical representation as a tool to learn Economics

N. Gerdasova
The paper deals with the scope of conceptual and linguistic metaphors used in economic discourse as they play a crucial role in the process of understanding, interpreting and evaluating of the international economy. The aim of this paper is to investigate the discourse of Economics, reveal the key principals...